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6. Spanish

6. 西班牙人

Why? Because sun, sea, sand, siestas and sangria aside, Spain is cool — and so are the Spanish, who don’t even start the party until most other nations have gone to bed. 阳光沙滩海浪~除此之外,西班牙更酷的地方是他们经常在别人睡觉的时候开party。

5. Americans

5. 美国人

What? Americans? War-starting, planet-polluting, over-consuming, arms-bearing Americans? Surely we can't be suggesting that the people who voted George W. Bush into the White House (twice!) are cool? Yes we are because, like it or not, we must. 啥?老美?发动战争污染环境挥霍无度枪炮不离手的美国人?能选出小布什当总统(还两次!)的人民居然称得上酷?没错,你问原因?因为这是必须的!

4. Mongolians

4. 蒙古人

Along with a carefully crafted air of quiet mystery, these unflappable souls pretty much perfected the freewheeling, nomadic cowboy existence, throat singing and yurts. Fur-lined everything — boots, coats, hats, undies — adds hearty splendor to the historic mystique. And who else keeps eagles as pets? 神秘的游牧民族始终保持着它的吸引力,除了蒙古人,你还见过其他养老鹰当宠物的人吗?

3. Jamaicans

3. 牙买加人

There's more to Jamaicans than reggae, including an accent that’s the envy of the English-speaking world and the planet’s most distinctive and recognizable hairstyle. 牙买加不只有雷鬼音乐,牙买加人有一口迷人的口音,还有全球最独特的发型。

2. Singaporeans

2. 新加坡人

With its absurdly computer-literate population, Singapore is geek central and its people can therefore claim their rightful place as avatars of modern cool. They’re probably all Tweeting about it right now. 新加坡人个个是玩弄IT的高手,讲不定现在他们已经开始发推了:兄弟姐妹们,咱进了全球十大酷国排行榜啦!

1. Brazilians

1. 巴西人

Without Brazilians we wouldn't have samba and Rio carnival; we wouldn't have the soccer beauty of Pele and Ronaldo. Unless they're using their sexy, laid-back, party-loving reputation as a cover for exterminating dolphins or invading Poland, then we have no choice but to name Brazilians as the coolest people on the planet. 没有巴西就没有桑巴舞和狂欢节,也感受不到足球的魔力。除非巴西人是用这种性感慵懒爱热闹的形象来掩盖秘密进行的海豚研究试验,或者暗中谋划侵略波兰,不然真没理由不把巴西人评选为全球最酷的人民!