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Women in general are vain when it comes to their looks. In fact, the most important part of their body where they spend their money the most is their hair. Women have various hair maintenance and other treatments just to ensure that they would look good and better each day. As beliefs say that hair is the woman’s glory and for this to be kept that way, routines must be made aside from the daily shampooing and conditioning application. However, there are also common hair mistakes that some women do and it should serve as a reminder for all not to repeat them.


10. Too Much Heat on the Hair
10. 对头发过分加热
There are various hair tools that women use these days such as blow dryer, ceramic straightener, and curling irons. They become more conscious on how their hair would look for today and the next day. It has become their partners each day whether they like curly hair or a more straight hair look.

9. Wearing a Pony Tail
9. 扎马尾
It does not mean that women should not wear any pony tail at all but wearing it frequently and putting it on the same position will damage the hairline gradually. It’s best to find various ways of putting hair accessories and not just the same pony tail, not doing it every day. It will cause hair breakage.

8. Too Much Hair Products
8. 过度使用美发产品
Imagine your hair that has received shampoo, conditioner. After taking a bath, chemicals will be put on not just one, but two or more hair products such as styling gel, anti-hair frizz, and others. Yes, the thought of maintaining its shape and shine would not help, especially if an exaggerated amount is being damped into hair.

7. No Regular Haircuts
7. 没有定期修剪头发
It does not mean that you would cut your hair shorter. It’s up to you. But to those who are used to maintaining long hair cut should once in a while by visiting the parlor to trim the hair down. It’s the best remedy in removing unhealthy hair, especially where split ends mostly appear.

6. Regular Shampooing of Hair
6. 每天用洗发水洗头
Shampooing your hair daily decreases the natural oil that it actually produces. It washes away the natural shine the moment that you put on shampoo into your hair. This is the reason why conditioners must be applied after shampooing your hair. The ideal is to use shampoo every other day and not regularly.