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5. Doing Personal Hair Dying
5. 自己染发
Those who can’t afford to have their hair dyed in the nearby parlor would just do self-dying at home. Yes, it’s economically wise because you can save from expensive process that is being offered in a regular hair salon. However, it’s better that experts handle them because there are necessary directions that must be followed, especially when it comes to mixtures.

4. Drying Hair after Bath
4. 洗澡后用毛巾擦干头发
It is automatic that after that you take a bath that you put towel on your hair to absorb excess water. Nonetheless, rubbing the towel on your hair to dry them up would cause hair frizz and damage.

3. Too Much Brushing/Combing
3. 梳头过多
There is an old saying that when you brush your hair 100 hundred times, it would become healthier and natural shine will appear. Nonetheless, too much combing or brushing will cause hair b
reakage and damage.

2. Doing Your Own Haircut
2. 自己剪发
This is for those who are not really hair experts where they could not really follow the right direction in hair trimming. Once you make a cut, you’ll never know that you have already created a direction. Most of the women who did try it were never satisfied after and they would run to a nearby salon to save their hair from a big fiasco.

1. Following the Latest Hairstyles
1. 追随最新的发型潮流
It’s okay that you follow some trendy hairstyles but it does not mean if specific hairstyle looks good to others that the same effect would reflect on you. You have to know the shape of your face and the appropriate cut that will improve your look and that would really suit you. If it won’t work for you then try other hairdos. You have to experiment and ask others’ opinions if necessary.