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《福布斯》记者:什么调查都是浮云 我是记者我自豪!

Maybe you even get to enjoy a little celebrity. Like meeting celebrities, going on TV can be fun and exciting, or it can be excruciating. We journalists aren’t all straight-up attention whores, but I have yet to meet one who doesn’t like having his or her work recognized. Hearing someone say, “Hey, I saw that thing you wrote quoted in the Times!” never, ever gets old.

All that “stress”? It’s called excitement. Well, not all of it. But tracking down a scoop on deadline, when the newsroom is buzzing with dozens of people doing the same — it’s an adrenaline rush. Plenty of jobs in this world offer the prospect of unrelieved boredom. I’d rather have one that gets my heart pumping.

Journalists get around. I’m not even talking about traveling, although most journalists get to do that every once in a while. I’m not a big racker-up of frequent flier miles, but I’ve been to conferences in Puerto Rico and Austin, two places I wouldn’t have made it to otherwise. On a day-to-day level, what matters more is that reporting is rife with chances to get up from your desk, get out of the office and stretch your legs. Don’t like staring at a glowing screen all day? Meet a few sources for coffee, do some man-on-the-street interviews or go cover a trade show. It’s often when you’re playing semi-hooky from the office that you’ll get your best stuff.

Have I convinced you that journalism is the only real career choice for curious, restless semi-narcissists like me? I hope not. There are enough of us already trying to do it. Go be a meter-reader.