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无眼婴儿母亲Lacey Buchanan:我用对孩子的爱直面生活!


A mother whose son was born with a rare form of cleft palate that left him with no eyes has made an inspiring video revealing their struggles - and how the baby boy battled their bullies with his laughter.

In the YouTube video, Lacey Buchanan, from Woodbury, Tennessee, holds up cards describing her excitement at falling pregnant with son Christian, and the fears and snide comments that followed.
在这段视频中,来自美国田纳西州Woodbury市的孩子母亲Lacey Buchanan,她手持卡片,讲述了自己从最初得知怀孕后的狂喜,以及随后而来的恐惧和旁人的嘲讽。

During the seven-minute film, she holds one-year-old Christian into her chest, only revealing his face to the camera at end of the video as she kisses him and shows him off proudly.

The inspiring video tells the story of Lacey, who met her husband Chris when they were 15, and went on to marry him when they were 21. They fell pregnant when she was 23, one note card reads. But a week after the discovery, doctors called the couple to say something was wrong: it appeared that their unborn child had developmental problems.

When she went to Vanderbilt Medical Center to deliver Christian in February 2011, she did not know if he would live. He survived - yet his condition was much worse than doctors had predicted.

The baby boy suffered from Tessier cleft, a rare and severe cleft palate that can affect different areas of the face - such as the nose, eyes and jaw - in addition to the mouth. Christian had no palate, was unable to shut his mouth and was born without eyes.

At four days old, he underwent his first surgery. Through a series of operations, doctors have closed his cleft lip but his palate will require more surgeries, his mother said. He spent four weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital.