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无眼婴儿母亲Lacey Buchanan:我用对孩子的爱直面生活!

When he was finally ready to leave and returned home, 'things were hard', one of Lacey's note cards reads. She and her husband Chris were uNPRepared for how to raise a blind child, she explains. She also struggled with judgmental stares and whispers from people they passed. People would ask 'What's wrong with your kid?', with one woman even telling her she was 'horrible' for not aborting him.
当他终于可以出院回家的时候,“事情变得更为艰难”,母亲在卡片上写道,“因为我和我的丈夫并不知道该如何抚养一位盲婴。” 周围人的指指点点和交头接耳也让她心烦意乱。人们经过她身边的时候会问道:“你的孩子怎么了?”甚至有位妇女直截了当说,她明知道孩子有先天性疾病却没将他流产掉,真是面目可憎。

As Lacey, 25, struggled to stay strong, it was Christian who fought back.When people would stare at him, he would begin to giggle - and they would start to giggle too. 'Anyone who meets Christian falls in love with him pretty quickly,' one note card reads. She also says she knows she did the right thing not to abort him as he is 'the love of my life'.
然而25岁的Lacey并不信这个邪。小克里斯汀是个勇士, 每当人们盯着他看时,他便开始咯咯地笑,于是人们也便开始笑了起来。“无论谁见到他,很快就会爱上他。”一张卡片上写道。这位母亲还说,她没抛弃克里斯汀是一个正确的决定,因为“他是我此生挚爱”。

The video has had an incredible response, which comes as a bit of a surprise to Lacey. 'I didn't expect it to be as powerful as it was, because to me it's just me and my son,' Lacey told MailOnline.

'I was hoping to inspire other parents who are in a situation where they found out that their child may be disabled and they are dealing with the question of whether or not to give a disabled child life. 'I wanted to just give them a little hope that it is hard at times, but there are happy times too, and the happy times so outweigh the hard times.'

She told MailOnline about how her giggly 14-month-old is incredible to watch and she gets so much joy from every day with him. One of her favorite moments is when Christian laughs- something that happens often.

Lacey plans to finish law school, largely because her son has prompted her to specialize in disability advocacy law, because 'I want to be able to help people like Christian'.