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Take photos with her

Was your mom one of those people who has every family event for the last 30 years documented in extensive photographic detail? Then spend some time getting pictures taken with her. Take her to a favorite park or garden, or do it in your own backyard. While you can hire a professional photographer, all you really need is a digital camera and someone who knows how to operate it. Your poses can be silly or serene, but no matter how they turn out, taking them will make your mom's day.

Clean her house

I know a few people who like to clean, but even they can find it overwhelming when life gets busy. So pick up a bucket and a mop and show mom that you really do remember all her lessons on scrubbing the house. You don't have to clean everything and you don't even have to to the best job ever. As long as you're willing to get your hands dirty, she'll be happy, and relieved that she didn't have to do it herself!

Remember her

Instead of focusing your love on your mom only at Mother's Day, come up with a comprehensive plan to love her year-round. This doesn't have to be hard. Maybe it means you call her every-other Sunday instead of whenever-you-feel-like-it-which-sometimes-means-a-month-goes-by-without-talking. Put her in your calendar, or ask an assistant to put it in theirs and remind you when the time comes. Your mom might not notice the difference on Mother's Day, but she'll appreciate the thought throughout the year.

Here's hoping that one of these ideas will work for you, or will spark a desire in you to do something that will show your mom how much you value that relationship.