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In Denmark, happiness comes from equality; in Singapore,happiness comes from the rule of law; in the slums of Calcutta, India, happiness comes from the hearts of people that depends on each other.


It is not difficult to see, whether a personis happy or not, largely depends on two aspects. One is external, that is thesocial environment we live in; the other is internal, that is our personalattitude to life. Today, we (Chinese people) are not happy, also can beanalyzed in several aspects. 不难发现,一个人幸福与否,更多地取决于这两个方面:一个是外部的,即我们居住的社会大环境;另一个是内部的,即我们自己对待生活得态度。现在我们中国人感到不幸福,也可以分析为以下几个方面。

1. Lack of faith (beliefs) 1. 缺乏信念

Most people do not know what the expectationsare in one's whole life, simply put it, you do not know what you want.Confucius ate coarse rice, drank water, didn't even have pillows when sleepingand used his arms as pillows, but Confucius said, “Happiness is within”; Hesaid, “A basket of cooked rice, a ladle of water, living in the ghetto alley”,others might think this is an unbearable life, but Confucius was able to “keephis happiness”. Why? Because he knew what he is pursuing in this life. 许多人都不知道他人生中最期待的是什么,仅仅放下,你不知道你想要什么。孔子吃糙米喝水,甚至睡觉都没有枕头,而仅仅以手臂为枕,但孔夫子说,“乐亦在其中矣”;他说:“饭疏食,饮水,曲肱而枕之”,其他人可能认为这是不能忍受的生活,但孔子却能“保持幸福”。为什么呢?因为他知道他追求的就是这种生活。

2. Always comparing 2. 老是比较

Western saying goes, Whether a person isfortunate or not, happy or not, does not depend on how big of accomplishmenthe/she has achieved, but from the way how the neighbors look at them. When whatwe are pursuing is not happiness, but to be happier than others, then happinesswill be even further away from us. 西方谚语说,一个人是否幸运,是否快乐,不取决于他取得了多大的成就,而是他的邻居怎么看他。一旦我们追求的不是如何幸福,而是怎么比别人幸福时,幸福反而会更加远离我们。

3. Living in happiness without realizing it 3. 生在福中不知福

If a light has been constantly lit, you willnot pay attention to it, but if it is brighter and darker at times, or if it ison and off at times, you will notice. Similarly, sometimes we are envied byothers, but we hardly notice it. Only if one day we loss that, then we willrealize. 如果灯被点亮,你就不会去注意它,如果它时亮时暗或者时关时开,你就会注意到它。同样道理,有时我们被别人艳羡,我们不大发觉。可一旦某天失去了,我们就会察觉。

4. Not moved by beautiful things 4. 缺乏发现美的眼睛

"The spring wind is so selfless, not askingfor anything in return but blossomed millions of flowers." We may not have theability to create beauty, but have we been appreciating the beauty of nature,or the beautiful things created by others? We often ignore and unaware of thenatural beauty, artistic beauty, spiritual beauty and many beautiful things inlife around us. “春风如此无私,不问索取,却使得遍地花开。”我们可能不能创造美,但可以欣赏自然美,或者其他人创造的美。我们常常忽视或不了解自然之美、艺术之美,精神之美以及一切我们身边美好的事物。

5. Do not know how to give 5. 不知奉献

Zhang Shangying from Song dynasty said,"Nothing is happier than being happy of doing good deeds", only a person whoknows how to give rather than just take can be truly happy. Charity is not aprivilege of the rich. Donating millions to disaster relief is charity, give astranger a smile is also charity. 宋朝的张商英曾说,“没有比做好事更快乐的了。”只有当一个人懂得给予而不是一味索取的时候才会感到真正的快乐。慈善不是富人的特权。捐献几百万救灾是慈善,给陌生人个微笑也是慈善。