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'The kids were born at the end of last year and when they grow up they do the most amusing things.

'I have seen them do this a few times and with this girl cub it's always the same stretch, she seems to love it.

'I took the shots around 10 metres away. The mother and her three kids were in some really interesting poses in just the half an hour while they were out in the sun.

'Right now the cubs are starting to swim and it's very funny to watch them. I hope I'll see even more interesting poses as the months go on this year and they head towards adulthood.

'The aerobics always seem to happen after sleeping, often during the day. Afterwards the kids start to play and then sometimes the aerobics start. It's fascinating to watch.

'Simka does very interesting aerobics for her neck every day but the cubs aren't repeating it just yet.

The cubs are the offspring of Simka and male bear Vrangel.