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奥巴马白宫接见贝克汉姆与队友 调侃其年纪大有副业


It was supposed to be a thank you for winning the Major League Soccer Championship. But David Beckham’s trip to the White House turned into an unexpected comedy roast - at the hands of Barack Obama.


The U.S. President mocked Mr Beckham for being over the hill and said that at the age 37 ‘half his teammates could be his kids.'

He also teased the soccer star as a ‘young up and comer’ before joking about his other career as a model.

To laughter from the crowd Mr Obama said: ‘He is tough. It is rare a man can be that tough on the field and also have his own line of underwear’.

Mr Beckham and his team the LA Galaxy were shown around the White House to congratulate them for winning the Major League Soccer Championship last season.

But before doing so he gave a speech in which he said: ‘We have young up and comer on the team, a guy named David Beckham.

‘I gave David a hard time, I said half his teammates could be his kids. We’re getting old David, though you’re holding up better than me’.

After the speech Mr Beckham and his teammates were due to take part in a football clinic for children with First Lady Michelle Obama on the South Lawn.

As he made his way out Mr Obama shook hands with all the LA Galaxy players but spent a few minutes extra talking with Mr Beckham, who was wearing a grey suit, yellow tie and was sporting a beard.