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Big Idea: It’s a subscription-based online food gourmet delivery service that sends tasty morsels directly to your door. For every box of treats it delivers, Love With Food donates an equivalent amount of money to a local food bank.

网站创意:这是一个基于订阅的在线美食配送服务,每送出一盒美食,Love With Food就会向当地一家食物银行捐赠同等数额的款项。

Why It’s Working: Smaller food producers often have trouble affording marketing and distribution services, and one in every five American children are going hungry. Love With Food is helping to solve both of those problems in one fell swoop.

网站目标:小型食品制造业通常无力支付营销费用和开设配送服务,而与此同时在美国每5个孩子就有1个面临饥饿问题。Love With Food就是为一举解决这两个问题而创办。

Aihui Ong launched Love With Food four months ago with a simple premise: Users pay a small monthly fee, and they’re treated to a sampling of gourmet snacks, such as apple cinnamon fig cookie bars or sweet chipotle almonds. Customers select which snacks they want, and a package is sent right to their front door at the beginning of every month.

Aihui Ong于四个月前启动了Love With Food,基本理念是:用户每月支付一定费用就可以品尝到一份美食的试吃装,比如苹果肉桂无花果饼干或墨西哥甜辣杏仁。顾客选好食物后每个月就会收到送上门的美食包裹。

Every time Love With Food sends a sweet-tooth care package, the company contributes an equal amount of money to a local food bank of the vendor’s choice. That, says Ong, helps keep the love in local communities. The company works with hunger-fighting organization Share Our Strength to process the donations.

Love Wiht Food每送出一份包裹就会向它们在当地指定的一家食物银行捐赠同等数额的款项。Ong认为此举有助于在当地社区传递爱心,公司目前正和一家反饥饿组织Share Our Strength合力运作该项捐助。