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How’s the food? Great, if you ask her customers. Ong has nearly 1, 000 subscribers and a growth rate of about 25% every month. Food banks love the donations, and food companies love the site because it gives them an affordable marketing and distribution system — not to mention a great public relations boost.


"A lot of food companies like to partner with us because we do give back, ” says Ong. “Everyone who’s part of the food community tends to give back in their own way.”


Ong, an engineer, started the site after a year-long backpacking and soul-searching expedition through Europe, Egypt, China and other parts of the world. She was burnt out on her job and hit the road to renew her inspiration and zest for life.


"I saw a lot abroad, ” says Ong. “I’m an engineer who wanted to use my skills to build something important, and after gaining a different view of the world, I wanted to do something I was passionate about and give back to the world.”


Ong watched a food-making friend struggle to move her business from local farmer’s markets to grocery store shelves. She knew there had to be a better way, and then came the idea for Love With Food. Ong also credits her inspiration to Tom’s Shoes — the company that made the buy one, give one model mainstream, by sending a pair of shoes to a child in the developing world for every pair it sells in the U.S.

Ong有一个食品制造业的朋友,为了把自己的产品从当地一家农贸市场推广到杂货店里而费尽周折。她觉得一定有更好的办法,于是Love With Food应运而生。Ong把自己的灵感归功于Tom’s Shoes——这家公司建立了买一送一的模式,在美国每卖出一双鞋就向发展中国家的孩子们捐出一双鞋。

Want to sink your teeth into tasty treats and do some social good at the same time? For now, a subscription to Love With Food costs $14 a month. Bon appetite!

你想在品尝美味的同时做一些造福社会的事情吗?从现在开始,在Love With Food上订购食物每月只需14美元(目前仅限美国用户——译者注)。祝你胃口好!