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无家可归女生考上哈佛 靠当清洁工完成学业

And like any other bright high school senior, she decided to go to college.

"When I was younger, I was able to look at all the bad choices — at the neglect, and the drug abuse, and everything that was happening — and make a decision for myself that I was not going to end up like my parents, living from paycheck to paycheck," Dawn told cnn.

Dawn applied at four North Carolina schools and her dream school, Harvard. Earlier this year, she got an acceptance letter from the Ivy League school. On top of being accepted, Dawn received a full scholarship to attend.

cnn wrote that since Dawn's story has circulated worldwide, people have sent encouragement and money to the teen. Dawn doesn't want the money for herself, though.

"When I get to college, I can work for what I need. And I know my future is going to be great," she told cnn. Dawn hopes to start an organization to help other students with similar barriers in continuing their education.