1. Second Guess Decisions 1. 举棋不定
Few decisions cannot be changed later if needed. Better to take action that wallow in inaction. 决定往往是可以在往后更改的,如果有这个必要的话。所以,与其举棋不定,不如勇往直前。
2. Waste Time at the Proverbial Water-cooler 2. 在茶水间浪费时间
Some people waste a large percentage of their day "chatting it up" in the workplace. Instead, get your work done, and get out. 很多人会把一大块工作时间浪费在茶水间里和别人八卦。应该这样做:接完水,转身出门,坐回到位子上去。
3. Check Email 50 Times 3. 不停刷新邮箱
I love it when someone asks, "Did you get my email?" Um, when did you send it? "Like 10 minutes ago。" No. No, I didn't. Check email periodically when it makes sense in your schedule. And turn off those new mail dings and notifications. 最喜欢别人这样问我:“收到我的邮件没?” 额,你什么时候发的?“10分钟前。”不,我没收到。只有新邮件内容在我的日程安排上很重要时,我才会定时刷新邮箱。关掉新邮件提醒。
4. Answer the Phone 4. 随时接听电话
I won't answer the phone while in the middle of something, meeting with someone else, or especially if I don't know who is calling. 我不会在做正事的半途中接听电话,比如开会、会谈;若来电的是个陌生号码,则更不会接听。
5. Wait For the Perfect Plan 5. 待到万事俱备只欠东风时才行动
A good plan now, always beats a perfect plan next week. Circumstances are never going to be perfect. Don't wait. 今天有一个好计划,远胜于下周可能会产生的更完美计划。周遭环境永远不会变得百分百合心意,所以,还等什么呢?行动吧。
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