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6. Attend Unnecessary Meetings 6. 参加不必要的会议

Meetings are the single biggest time-waster in the workplace. Practice the "right to decline" when you do not need to be in attendance. 会议无疑是工作中最浪费时间的项目。当面对不必要的会议时,试着学会去合理地拒绝。

7. Work During Meetings 7. 在开会时工作

I will check my tech at the door during meetings. No open laptops. No phones or tablets. And no, you can't work during my meeting either. 我通常会在会议间隙查看电子设备。开会时,我不开笔记本、不看手机、不用平板电脑。同样,别人在参加我的会议时,也要做到这一点。

8. Put It Off 8. 拖延症

When it comes to the tasks I don't want to do, I will adopt a "Just Do It Now" attitude. Do those unsavory tasks early in the day and get them out-of-the-way. 当遇到我不想做的任务时,我会带着“索性现在就把它做完吧”的态度去做。把不喜欢的事情迅速解决掉,接下来的时间里你就可以眼不见心不烦了。

9. Take On Unnecessary Tasks 9. 接受不必要的任务指派

I will say "No" where appropriate to tasks that are outside my domain. After all, you can't get your work done if you are doing everyone else's job. 面对我职责范围以外的任务,我会果断说“不”。毕竟,如果连自己的事都没做好,又怎么能去做别的事呢?

10. Start Before I Finish 10. 半途而废

I will complete tasks to done, before starting new ones. Better to have finished the few important ones, that to have started lots of little ones. 一个任务没完成以前,我不会开始做新的。先把最重要的几件事做完,剩下的零碎琐事就好办了。