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Many of us blurthe line between our private and professional lives, but we know that it is important to have a little R&R every now and then, even if only for a few short minutes. Here are some tips to help you unwindand let go after a long day in the office.

我们很多人都会分不清工作和生活的界限,同时我们也知道休养与恢复的重要性(小编注:R&R即Rest and Recuperation,休养与恢复),即使只有一小会儿时间也不忘放松。下面就是一些小贴士,告诉我们在漫长的一天的工作之后如何放松。

1.Take a bath: Nothing beats the feeling of a warm bath. Soaking in epsomsalts will help relievestress and sootheyour muscles, allowing your body to unwind after a long day on the job. Don't have a bath? A hot showerworks wonders too!1.沐浴泡澡:没有什么比暖暖的泡个澡更舒服的了。泡澡的时候放一点浴盐可以有效地舒缓压力、放松肌肉,让身体在一整天工作之后好好地放松一下。没有条件泡澡?洗个热水澡也能有同样的效果!

2.Light a candle:Sounds simple, but candles are a small, inexpensive luxurythat create a relaxing setting throughout your home. Choosing scentslike lavenderis known to reduce stress, anxiety, and insomnia. Candles are the easiest way to create a calmenvironment after a long day.


3.Go for a walk:Many of us have office jobs that keep us indoors for a majority of the day. Set aside 20 minutes to go for a walk throughout your neighborhood. It's the perfect way to get moving and enjoy the outdoors, especially during warm Summer nights.