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传苹果公司正开发iPad Mini 对抗谷歌Nexus 7


A new round of Apple rumors and leaks are suggesting what some tech observers have been predicting for the past year: that a smaller, less expensive iPad is on the way.

The talk of a 7-or-8-inch version of the popular tablet (the current model has a nearly 10-inch screen, diagonally), comes on the heels of Google announcing plans for the Nexus 7, its own smaller tablet that will be more in the mold of Amazon's Kindle Fire.
谷歌公司宣布新款平板电脑Nexus 7的发行计划,旋即便有传闻称苹果公司将发行7-8英寸宽平板电脑(目前的iPad的屏幕有10英寸宽)。Nexus 7是一款比亚马逊公司的Kindle Fire更优秀的产品。

传苹果公司正开发iPad Mini 对抗谷歌Nexus 7

The Nexus 7 will have a 7-inch screen and sell for $199 like the Fire, which has been one of the few iPad rivals to gain any real traction in the tablet marketplace.
Nexus 7将有一个7英寸宽的屏幕,并且像Kindle Fire一样只卖199美元。Kindle Fire是极少数在平板电脑市场上对iPad构成实际威胁的产品。

On Wednesday, Bloomberg was quoting "two people with knowledge of the plans" who said Apple will release a smaller iPad by the end of the year.

Steve Jobs once said a 7-inch screen is not sufficient to make a good tablet. Apple's current leadership may disagree.