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传苹果公司正开发iPad Mini 对抗谷歌Nexus 7

The so far the imaginary, or at least never-seen, device has been dubbed the "iPad Mini" by speculators in light of the iPod of the same name. The sources said the gadget will have a screen between 7 and 8 inches wide, and one said that it will not have the high-definition "retina display" screen of the new iPad.
目前这个还没有揭开庐山真面目的产品被分析师们冠以“iPad Mini”的名字,沿用iPod系列的命名方法。有消息称新产品将使用一个7-8英寸宽的屏幕,而且有内部人士称新的iPad不会使用视网膜屏幕。

As the months have gone on, more and more analysts have begun to believe that the arrival of a smaller iPad is a matter of "when," not "if."

Multiple tech sites also are pointing this week to a post from Chinese tech site MyDrivers (Google translation) which quoted sources on Apple's supply chain in that country saying the new device will have a 7.85-inch screen and be the same thickness as the iPad 2.

If the rumors are true, it would be Apple's biggest departure yet from the vision of co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs, who died last year.