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The study's 21 participants, 18 to 40 years old, initially lost 10% to 15% of their body weight during a three-month diet that contained about 45% of total calories from carbohydrates, 30% from fat and 25% from protein.

A month later, participants were placed on one of three diets for a month: a low-fat diet limiting fats to 20% of total calories; a low-carbohydrate diet modeled on the Atkins diet, limiting carbohydrate intake to 10% of total calories; and a low-glycemic-index diet, which contained 40% of total calories from carbohydrates, 40% from fats and 20% from protein. Participants were then switched to the other two diets during two additional four-week periods.
一个月后,他们分别开始遵循这三种饮食方案中的一种:低脂饮食,脂肪占总热量摄入的20%;阿特金斯饮食法(Atkins diet)的低碳水化合物饮食,碳水化合物的摄入量只占总热量摄入的10%;还有低血糖指数饮食,其中碳水化合物占总热量的40%,脂肪占40%,蛋白质占20%。四周后改为下一种饮食方案,再过四周改为第三种饮食方案。

"The low-fat diet had the worst effect" on energy expenditure, Dr. Ludwig said. Participants on that diet also had increases in triglycerides, a type of fat, and lower levels of so-called good cholesterol. "We should avoid severely restricting any major nutrient and focus on the quality of the nutrient," he said.

Dr. Ludwig said those on the low-carb diet had the biggest boost in total energy expenditure, burning about 300 calories more per day than those on the low-fat diet-about the same as an hour of moderate exercise. But that bump came at a cost: increases in cortisol, a stress hormone, and a measure of inflammation called CRP, which can raise the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes.

Those on the low-glycemic-index diet burned about 150 calories a day more than those on the low-fat diet without any negative impacts on cholesterol levels or various hormones, making it the ideal diet, Dr. Ludwig said. The glycemic index measures the impact of carbohydrates on blood-sugar levels.

A second study in the same medical journal showed that people in an 18-month weight-loss program that started with monthly meetings lost nearly as much weight as those in a much costlier program of the same duration with group sessions that initially met weekly. That study, led by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, found that the monthly program cut about $600 off the cost of a $1,360 traditional weight-loss program with the weekly classes.Members of the group taking monthly classes were mailed the same material as those who attended classes weekly, and those who failed to meet weight-loss goals could get individual counseling by phone or in person.
该杂志刊登的另一项研究对两种减肥课程的效果进行了研究:两种课程均为期18个月,一种是每月上课一次,另一种花费更贵、每周进行小组讨论,结果发现参加两种课程的人减掉的体重相差无几。这项由匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh)研究人员牵头的研究发现,每月减肥课程的成本比传统的每周减肥课程低600美元,后者花费为1,360美元。参加每月课程的成员收到的材料与参加每周课程的人相同,未能达到减肥目标者可以获得一对一的电话或面对面咨询。