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1. Pay 1. 付钱问题

Pay for everything. Don't mention splitting the bill. If the lady suggests paying part of the bill, do not accept the offer. If she insists, allow her to pay what she wishes (this is not just a rule for dating). 抢着买下所有的单。绝对不要提AA这档子事。如果女方主动提议给一部分钱,你可以完全忽略她的建议。如果她坚持要这样做的话,那就让她随便给点吧。

2. Location 2. 地点问题

No movies on the first date. How can you get to know each other if you spend the majority of the time in silence? I would recommend taking your date out for dinner (no lunch dates on the first date either). Take her somewhere you feel comfortable and somewhere you can easily afford. You don't want to be nervous all through the date that you might get stuck with a crippling bill. If price is a big concern for you, you can organize your own date in a public place (like a park or even at your own home) and prepare the meal yourself. If you can't cook, takeaways are fine, but serve it on plates at the table and try to make an effort. 第一次约会绝对不要去看电影。如果约会的绝大部分时间你们都沉默着,你们怎么增进之间的了解呢?我会建议你带着她出去吃顿饭(也不要一起去吃午饭)。带她去一个你感觉很舒服同时也不太贵的地方那是最好了。这样你就不会因为一直担心那恐怖的账单而一直惴惴不安了。如果价钱问题很严重的话,你可以将你们的约会安排到一个公共的地方(像一个公园,或者你家也行)同时自备食物。如果你自己不会弄饭的话,外卖也是可以的,但一定要尽力用盘子盛食物并且放在桌子上。

I would also suggest that you not go too overboard with the first date. Keep it simple and moderately priced. You can get extravagant on subsequent dates if things go well. 我还要建议你不用对第一次约会太全身心的投入了。保持简单和适度的价格。如果一切进展顺利的话,你会在接下来的约会中变得过度浪费。

3. Manners 3. 方式问题

First off, if you are going to dinner, read the Rules for Fine Dining list; try to remember at least one or two. When you pick up your date, get out of the car and hold the door open for her. Do the same when you are letting her out of the car. If you are dining out for your first date, hold the chair out for your date and help her sit. 当你去接她时,停下车后立刻下车为她把门打开。在他下车的时候也需要这样做。如果你在第一次约会的时候外出吃饭,一定要帮他拉椅子帮她入座。 Don't be late. 还有一点,绝对不要迟到了哦~

4. Respect 4. 尊重她

That means not to expect anything in return! A date is not payment for future pleasures, it is a way to get to know someone to gauge compatibility. This rule also means you should not try to get your date drunk, drugged, or compromised in any other way. At the end of the date you can offer a small kiss – offer nothing else and expecting nothing back. 这意味着不要期盼有任何的回报!一次约会绝对不是对未来欢乐时光的投资,而是一种更全面跟透彻了解一个人的方法。这也意味着你绝对不能把你的约会对象灌醉,和她一起嗑药或着以任何方式伤害她。在约会的最后你可以尝试一个浅浅的吻——不用提供什么其他的东西同时也不要期盼有什么回报。

5. Confidence 5. 自信

Be confident and take charge of the evening. This does not mean you should drag your date around by the arm; be firm with your suggestions and be confident that you will have a good date and make a good impression – remember, if you were a total loser you wouldn't be on the date in the first place. 自信一点并掌管一切的事情。这不是叫你拉着她的手臂到处走,而是要显得对自己的建议有信心,坚信你们能享受一个非常愉快的约会而且你会给她留下一个非常好的印象。记住,如果你是一个彻底的失败者的话,你根本就没有机会和她同一个桌子。