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6. Grooming 6. 装扮问题

Dress appropriately for your date, and you should probably let your date know where you are planning to take her in advance so she can also dress appropriately. If you are going to the beach for a seaside dinner, dress nicely (no jeans) but don't overdress. Similarly, if you are going to a fancy restaurant, wear a shirt and tie. Make sure your shoes are clean and polished if necessary. 为你的约会合理打扮一下,你也应该提前让她知道你们的约会是去哪,这样她才知道应该怎么穿衣服。如果你们要去海滩享受海边晚餐,穿漂亮点穿少点(别穿牛仔裤)。相同的,如果你们要去一家高档次的酒店,一定要穿T恤打领带。记住整干净你的鞋,必要的时候擦一擦。 Shower. Shampoo. Shave. If you have cologne, wear a little but not too much. 洗澡,用好点的洗发水。如果你用古龙水的话,也可以适量的喷一点。

7. Conversation 7. 谈话主题

Do not focus on yourself during the evening – ask your date questions about herself (this works in all social situations). Listen to the replies too and don't just look for an opening to start discussing yourself. Do not talk about your job for more than a few minutes – while our own work is a fascinating subject for us, it is seldom fascinating for someone else. Be sure to compliment your date – but don't go overboard – you will seem desperate. 不要在整个晚上都专注于自己的问题——要问关于她的问题(这在所有的社交场景都有效)。同时要认真听取他的会话不要只是为讨论自己开个头。不要谈论你自己的工作太长时间——可能你的工作队我们来说非常吸引人,但是很难能吸引到其他人。庆祝恭维一下你们的约会——但也不要显得太过头了——那你就显得太过饥渴。

Do not ever talk about dates you have had with other people or your ex-girlfriends. 绝对不要提起你和其他人,或者是你前女朋友的约会。

8. Timing 8. 时间问题

Don't let your date last too long. Think of it like a good meal – you should finish your plate feeling like you want just a little more. This is the best time to finish a date. This also means that you should not plan for the date to be too far from home otherwise the travel can ruin things. 不要让你的约会持续太长时间。把约会想想成一顿晚饭——一顿好的饭是你吃完自己的之后感觉还差那么一点的。而这也正是结束一次约会的最佳时刻。这也意味着你不能把你的约会安排在离家太远的地方,否则的话旅途漫长会毁掉所有的事情。

9. Gifts 9. 礼物问题

It can be a very nice idea to give your date a small gift on the first date. Don't go crazy on something expensive – just a nice little token like a single rose is fine. Keep in mind where you are going and how you plan to get there so your date does not end up being lumbered with something that she has to carry around all night. Oh – and don't pick the rose from your dates garden – buy one. 给她带去一个小礼物当然是个好主意。但是千万别疯着去买啥昂贵的礼品——一个小巧的指环一直玫瑰都还不错。要综合考虑你们是要去哪,怎样去,别让她在整个旅途中都需要带着一个东西。还有还有,千万别是在约会地旁边的花园摘一株玫瑰,去花店买吧。

10. Conclusion 10. 结论

If you enjoyed your time with your date and would like to see her again, call her and tell her so. Don't wait too long (and definitely don't play hard to get). Be completely honest. Having said that, if you had an awful time, you should still be honest (though not brutal). There is no point in leading someone on – it will end up badly for both of you. 如果你和她在一起的时候很享受还想在见她一次,打电话告诉她吧。别等太长时间了(趁热打铁)。一定要老实的告诉她你有多么想她。如果不是的话,也要诚实的告诉她,必竟没必要骗别人——这对两个人都不好。