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Whether you already have a regular running routine or you’ve been meaning to start one, consider these 5 benefits of running in the morning. While running is widely considered to be one of the best ways lose weight and stay healthy, very few people talk about when to do it. Here are five ways in which running in the morning can benefit you:


1.Weight-loss: One of the primary reasons regular runners pound the pavement is to burn calories and to lose weight. Some experts, however, believe that running on an empty stomach in the morning burns more calories than any other time of the day. This has to do with two things: if your body’s metabolism gets turned on early, it keeps going longer, thus burning off more fat. Secondly, if you run on an empty stomach, your body is forced to use the energy that is most available to it at the time, which on an empty stomach is your body’s store of fat. Make running your first activity of the day if you want to amp up those weight-loss benefits.

2.Peace of mind: Most runners will agree that running helps clear the mind and get those creative juices flowing. Problems are solved and ideas are born as the road glides along under your feet. This probably has to do with the release of hormones called endorphins, which have a peaceful, calming, and refreshing effect on your mind and body. So why not kick in those powerful endorphins early in the day? If you know you’re going to have a rough day ahead of you, a good way to preemptively combat those stresses is to run in the morning. Try it out; you might just find that your work day seems a lot less stressful than it usually is.