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Music also will play a prominent role, from composer Edward Elgar's 'Nimrod' to two pieces written by electronic band Underworld, who made their breakthrough after their song 'Born Slippy' was used in Mr. Boyle's 'Trainspotting.' The final act is expected to involve former Beatles member Paul McCartney leading a singalong.
音乐也将在开幕式中扮演重要角色,其中既包括作曲家爱德华•埃尔加(Edward Elgar)的作品,也包括电子乐队Underworld的两首歌。该乐队因一首博伊尔电影《猜火车》(Trainspotting)中的片尾曲Born Slippy而名声大噪。预计开幕式的最后一个节目是前披头士(Beatles)乐队成员保罗•麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)领唱的大联唱。

Another set feature: a 27-ton bell whose chimes will open the ceremony and is inscribed with a quote from Shakespeare's 'The Tempest:' 'Be not afeard, the isle is full of noises.'
开幕式上的另一个特色是一口重达27吨的大钟,其钟声将宣布开幕式的正式启动。钟上刻有一句莎士比亚剧作《暴风雨》(The Tempest)中的话:不要恐惧,岛上已充满了躁动。

With this event dubbed the austerity Olympics-and with the U.K. in its worst double-dip recession in 50 years-Mr. Boyle wasn't going to have the checkbook required to match Beijing's waves of dancers, percussionists and other performers, some 14,000 in all, including 9,000 from the People's Liberation Army. While China hasn't disclosed how much it spent on the event, it is considered to have been many multiples of the roughly £27 million ($42 million) the U.K. has budgeted for its ceremony.

Still, Mr. Boyle hopes to make his show warmer, humorous and more inclusive, including areas of the set where members of the public will be able to stand. There will be a 'mosh pit' for some, a nod to the famed Glastonbury music festival, and a similar enclosure inspired by the annual classical-music concert series, the Proms. The media have dubbed the twin standing areas 'the mosh and posh pits.'
尽管如此,博伊尔仍希望让自己执导的这场开幕式更温暖、幽默且更具包容性,演出场地上设置了公众可以站立的场区。开幕式将为部分人辟出一个“狂舞池”,这一设计灵感来自知名的格拉斯顿堡音乐节(Glastonbury music festival),而一个类似舞池的设计灵感则来自年度古典音乐会Proms。媒体将这两个站立区称为“狂舞和优雅舞池”。

One challenge is hard to control: keeping 10,0000 Olympic athletes moving at a brisk clip as they savor their parade into the stadium. Says Mr. Boyle: 'they understandably want to take their time.'