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China Development Bank Corp.'s latest dim sum bond offer in Hong Kong yielded the strongest interest yet from the world's central banks, highlighting the growing trend in which foreign countries are diversifying their foreign exchange reserves into the Chinese currency.
全球多国央行对国家开发银行股份有限公司(China Development Bank Corp.)在香港发行的最新点心债券(即人民币计价债券)表现出迄今为止最强烈的兴趣。这凸显了一股日益明显的趋势,即这些国家正在通过配置人民币资产实现外汇储备的多元化。

Rising order books for offshore yuan bonds among central banks also underscore a need to seek alternative assets amid concerns over the long-term prospects of the greenback, which has remained weak for several years.

Last week, the Chinese policy lender sold 2.5 billion Chinese yuan ($394.8 million) worth of offshore yuan-denominated bonds in its second dim sum offering this year, with tenors of three and 20 years.

Around 58% of the CNY1.5 billion worth of three-year bonds being sold was picked up by a handful of central banks, according to people familiar with the situation, though they declined to identify specific central banks. Other buyers included banks, fund managers and private bank investors.

In announcing its bond sale last week, China Development Bank said the issue marked the first-ever investment in yuan bonds by African central banks. Meanwhile, central banks from the Middle East and Europe also subscribed for the quasi-sovereign paper, according to a banker involved in the deal.