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Among every 1,300 mainland Chinese, one is a multimillionaire, says a new study - but it also shows not everybody is feeling positive vibes up in first class.

The latest survey of China's rich from publisher Hurun Report and GroupM Knowledge, a Shanghai-based media investment company, shows mainland China had as many as 1.02 million millionaires and 63,500 superrich as of the end of last year. The figure for millionaires represents a 6.3% increase from 2010, the report said, and it marked the first time that the number in China surpassed one million.
胡润百富(Hurun Report)和上海传媒投资公司群邑智库(GroupM Knowledge)对中国富人的最新调查显示,截至去年底,中国内地千万富豪多达102万,亿万富豪达63,500人。报告说,千万富豪人数较2010年增加6.3%,这也是中国内地千万富豪人数首次突破百万。

The survey, released on Tuesday, defines millionaires as individuals with personal wealth of more than 10 million yuan (about US$1.6 million) and the superrich as individuals with at least 100 million yuan.

The report is calculated based on an individual's fixed and liquid assets, and includes listed and unlisted stock, property, insurance and other items.

Among the cities, Beijing boasted the mostly wealthy individuals with 179,000 millionaires, followed by southern metropolitan Guangdong with 9,500 and Shanghai with 8,200.

Traveling is still their favorite way to spend their money, while children's education has outstripped luxury goods to become their second spending preference.

The report says that half of the millionaires are business owners, and the rest are investors in stocks or real estate or are what are known in China as 'golden collars,' or high-level executives. China's superrich are mostly business owners, it said.

But, as the Journal has noted before, wealthy individuals are eyeing foreign countries in which to buy houses and send off their kids to school. The report says that 90% of the superrich are considering sending their kids abroad for high school, and the U.S. is their preferred destination, followed by the U.K. and Canada. About 44% of them have plans to emigrate, and their favorite destination is Canada, followed by the U.S. and Singapore.

They appear to be increasingly concerned about China's economic slowdown. The report shows that only 28% of wealthy Chinese say they are confident of China's economy over the next two years. That compares to 54% who felt that way in 2010.

China rich are also spending less. The report says that China's rich spent an average of 1.76 million yuan last year, 9% less than 2010.

Other tidbits: 60% of the rich choose real estate as their No.1 investment choice, followed by stocks. Nearly two-thirds own an iPad, 86% shop online and 40% use weibo microblogs.

Some online challenged the tally of rich, saying a fuller accounting would include public officials who have enriched themselves on public funds. 'The list only includes businessmen but leaves out officials,' said one Sina Corp's Weibo user under the name of Hamburger Xuan.

'The number has been severely underestimated. You should include the party officials and their kids,' said another.

'Ten million is actually not a big sum of money is China,' comment a user under the name of Ban Jiesheng. 'It's not even enough to afford a house here.'