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7.Sleep early. Sometimes all you can do after a stressful event is to give it time and sleep on it. Head to bed early tonight so that you'll wake up well rested and ready to tackle the next day with gusto. Not getting enough sleep can cause you to be more cranky and sensitive, so you should definitely get a full night's rest after a bad day.

8.SOS a friend.Tell your friend you need an emergency hangout to get your mind off of things. Having someone else around can get you out of the negative rut. It's always nice to have an understanding ear and someone to distract you.

9.Animal therapy. Many studies have shown that owning a pet is related to lower rates of depression and blood pressure. If you don't have a pet, perhaps play with a neighbor's furry friend or visit a shelter to coo over the cute puppies.

10.Meditate. Close your eyes, take a few breaths, and mentally release all that is bothering you. Meditation will give your brain a break from the stress and it will maybe even help you put things into perspective and help you realize that your situation isn't so dire after all.

11.Exercise. As we all know, exercise produces endorphins, chemicals that make you feel good. Go to the gym and play your favorite workout songs and get a good workout. You'll be feeling better in no time.

12.Watch a comedy. Laughter is the best medicine and watching a funny movie, TV show, or YouTube video can distract you from the negative events in your life.
12.看一部喜剧。笑是最好的良药。 看看搞笑的电影、电视节目或Youtube视频都能把你的注意力从糟糕的事情中转移出来。