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Companies looking for hints on how to use social media for recruiting may want to keep an eye on China.

Unlike in the U.S., where the recruiting industry has a long history that parallels the evolution of businesses and technology, job-search services in China are still developing along with the country's private sector.

The explosive growth of Chinese social-networking sites coupled with inadequate recruiting platforms, is driving many companies in China to experiment with new methods such as social media.

'Traditional recruitment processes, as they are understood in the West, only really started to be used in China after 1978, with the gradual liberalizing of China's economy,' said Mike Tims, the Asia, Middle East and Africa president at global human-resources consultancy SHL Group Ltd. 'This has made it easier for China to 'leapfrog' these traditional approaches and embrace new recruitment methods more easily.'
全球人力资源咨询公司SHL Group Ltd.的亚洲、中东及非洲部总裁蒂姆斯(Mike Tims)说,直到1978年之后,随着中国经济的逐步自由化,中国才真正开始采用被西方人视为传统招聘程序的那些做法;这让中国可以更为容易地跳过这些传统招聘手段、直接采用新的招聘方法。

At some multinational companies, new ideas on how to use social media in recruiting processes are coming from their Chinese units.

The China division of auditing and consulting company Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd. last September offered a 'virtual office tour' on its career page on Sina Corp.'s Weibo, a Twitter-like Web-messaging service. The effort is designed to create a community of potential candidates and build relationships.
去年9月,审计与咨询公司德勤会计师事务所(Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd.)的中国子公司在其新浪微博的招聘页面上推出了“德勤在线之旅”。此举是为了在潜在求职者中间形成一个圈子并拉近他们与公司的距离。

Set up like a videogame, the tour starts with a scene at the airport where visitors choose their destination-Beijing, Shanghai or Hong Kong. After visitors 'fly' to the city of their choice and arrive at the local Deloitte virtual office, they can go to various parts of the office such as meeting rooms and talk to employees. At each different location visitors collect a green dot, and the tour is complete when they've collected six dots.

So far, about 17,000 people have played this office-tour game, the company said. Other Deloitte member firms around the world now plan to adopt similar approaches, said Arthur Wang, Deloitte China recruitment director.
德勤方面说,目前为止已有大约1.7万人玩过这个在线之旅游戏。德勤中国区招聘总监王文佶(Arthur Wang)说,德勤在世界上的其他子公司现在也打算采用类似方法。

Deloitte China's Weibo career page, launched in 2010, now has more than 48,500 users following it. 'Some of the followers are very active and they often send us messages and inquiries,' Mr. Wang said. That community proved effective when the company recently looked for interns on Weibo. Within hours, it received enough applications to fill the positions.

Around the world, more companies are using social media in recruiting. In an annual global survey of HR professionals compiled by SHL this year, 46% of respondents said social media sites are effective tools for recruiting and reaching quality candidates, up from 36% last year.

The incentive in China to try new recruiting methods also stems from the challenges companies face there. Recruiting experts say online job boards in China often attract a glut of unqualified candidates for well-known companies and none for smaller firms, while there are simply too many headhunters with varying degrees of credibility, making the market chaotic.

'In China we are jealous of our HR co-workers in the U.S.,' where online recruiting platforms are more mature and can attract qualified candidates, said Willa Wang, talent acquisition director at Lenovo China, the Chinese unit of Hong Kong-based personal computer company Lenovo Group Ltd.
联想中国(Lenovo China)人才招聘主管Willa Wang说,在中国,我们羡慕美国的人力资源同事,美国的网络招聘平台非常成熟,能够吸引合格的人才。联想中国是位于香港的个人电脑生产商联想集团的中国子公司。