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It's really no wonder we are obsessed with staying young. It seems to me that youth is equated with beauty, vitality and power, whereas old age is synonymous with the loss of such qualities. The general consensus is that we hit a certain age and it is all down hill from there. Or that there is a time we call the ‘prime of our lives’ and before and after our ‘prime’ it is all just struggle and suffering. So what’s this all about? When did we collectively decide to forget that we actually get better with age?


Somewhere along the great evolutionary journey of humanity, we lost our reverence for growing old (which, by the way, is totally natural and something we all go through!). So, if I were to narrow it down to just 5 things that keep us beautiful, filled with vitality and power, it would be the following:

1. Cultivate breath awareness. This, to me, is where meditation really begins. Meditation, leads to mental clarity (purifying and concentrating the mind…on what’s really important…in every moment.) This mental clarity then ignites our innate intuitive abilities, which enables us to make the right decisions. And finally, with this clarity and heightened insight into our individual truth, we harness the power to heal. To heal from within, bringing into oneness the body, mind and soul because our soul does not want us to be insane or ill!

2. Laugh. Hmmmm, this is a tricky one. Laugh…because it feels awesome! It spreads good vibes everywhere and it promotes loads of yummy sensations and vibrations throughout the body. Yeah!

3. Sing (or at least speak with passion and heart). If not sing, then hum, chant, cry out…just let it out. Don’t be afraid, there is no right or wrong. We are born with this beautiful instrument; our voice. We are meant to use it. Speak with love and inspiration…it’s pretty much the same as singing. Also, it feels good. Don’t hold it all in…let it out – it’s good for you!