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2012-08-07来源:Daily Mail


It is a moment which shows every parent's worse nightmare.

As parents Tevita and Glory are sitting with their one-year-old child in McDonald's, she suddenly begins to choke on a chip.The youngster stops breathing, resulting in the worried mum and dad rushing to the counter of the Sydney restaurant to try and get assistance from staff. A number of staff members and customers gathered around trying to help.

With Nevaeh lying on the counter of the fast food shop, people rub her back energetically in order to try and dislodge the chip. Her mum can be seen crying in horror as her little girl battles for life.

Restaurant manager James Hatcher told Channel Nine's A Current Affair show that when he started trying to dislodge the chip, 14-month-old Nevaeh was already turning blue. He told how her distraught mum was shouting: 'Save my baby, she's choking, she’s not breathing.'
门店经理James Hatcher 告诉第九频道的“直击现场”节目组,当他们正在想办法解决问题的时候,婴儿已经脸色发青。失控的母亲不断叫喊:“救救我的孩子!她噎住了!她没有呼吸了!”

Emergency staff gave instructions over the phone to some of the McDonald's staff members. A customer in the drive-through section of the restaurant also left her car to help.

Customer Naomi Donovan said: 'At the time I grabbed her she was limp, really limp, going blue she wasn't breathing.
顾客Naomi Donovan说:“当时孩子已经很虚弱了,脸都青了,我抱着她,但是她似乎已经没有呼吸了。”

'She's in my hands, I'm staring at her parents screaming and crying.' The youngster eventually started breathing again after three long minutes for the parents.
“我抱着孩子,看到她的父母哭天抢地,悲痛不已。” 不过,漫长的三分钟后,婴儿终于恢复了呼吸。

Hospital staff said she had suffered from a seizure which had caused her to choke. She was kept in hospital overnight but released the following day. The incident, which happened last month, led to the McDonald's staff receiving an award.