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Struck by a daily onslaught of rumours and speculation about the next iPhone or iPad, Apple always refuses to discuss future product launches.

Surprise is an essential ingredient for Apple's unveiling of new devices. It generates millions of dollars' worth of free press coverage, as testimony from senior Apple executives in the technology group's California court battle with its South Korean arch-rival Samsungshowed.

However, Apple's battle over intellectual property rights has undermined its arsenal of marketing strategies and reliance on secrecy as evidence obtained and submitted to the public court by Samsung has spoiled some of its plans with the revelation of discussions last year about a smaller iPad.

A San Jose courtroom last week heard detailed testimony from Apple executives who rarely give press interviews, detailing the development and marketing strategies behind the technology industry's biggest hype machine.

The secretive technology group was required to reveal that it spent $535m marketing the iPad and iPhone last year, with the budget for its tablet computer doubling over 2010 to overtake the smartphone's adspend, figures it does not usually disclose in financial filings.

The nine men and women who make up the jury in the four-week trial are tasked with deciding how novel the iPhone and its tablet successor really were. Apple accuses Samsung of copying its designs while Samsung argues that touch-screen smartphones with black glass faces and rounded corners predate the iPhone, invalidating Apple's claimed intellectual-property protection.

Samsung's courtroom strategy interferes with Apple's launch plans at the same time as aiming to show the jury that its US rival looks to competitors for inspiration.

Scott Forstall, Apple's senior vice-president of iOS, the iPhone and iPad operating system, and Phil Schiller, its head of worldwide marketing, both members of the executive board, told the court that the idea for the iPhone originated in 2004.
苹果负责iOS系统(iPhone和iPad的操作系统)的高级副总裁斯科特•福斯托(Scott Forstall),以及全球市场营销主管菲尔•席勒(Phil Schiller)在法庭上透露,苹果开发iPhone的想法始于2004年。福斯托和席勒均为苹果执行董事会成员。

On Friday, the jury heard from Mr Forstall, who had worked with Mr Jobs since 1992, and led development of the current Mac operating system, OSX, before joining a top-secret initiative to develop a tablet device in 2004.
上周五陪审团听取了福斯托的证词。福斯托自1992年起就和史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)一起工作,曾领导Mac目前所用操作系统OSX的开发,并于2004年加入了一项旨在开发平板设备的高度机密行动。

Jurors were shown several tablet prototypes and were told that Apple's success with the iPod had prompted discussion about what the company could do next.

The tablet initiative was put on hold for a few years and development efforts were transferred to Project Purple – the code name for what would become the iPhone.
开发平板电脑的行动中途曾暂停数年,研发力量被转移至"紫色计划"(Project Purple)——这就是后来的iPhone的代号。

Questioning and evidence by Samsung's legal team revealed that Apple had originally discussed using the original iPod's "click wheel" on the iPhone. Internal Apple discussions about a Samsung device with a circular keypad were shown to the court which, Samsung's attorney argued, showed the iPhone's developers had looked to its South Korean rival for "inspiration" – part of its attempt to undermine Apple's patent claims.
来自三星法律团队的质询和证据显示,苹果最初曾考虑在iPhone上使用自身原创的iPod点触轮(click wheel)设计。三星公司的律师向法庭出示了苹果内部对一款带环形按键三星手机的讨论记录,并指出这表明iPhone开发团队曾从作为其竞争对手的三星身上寻找"灵感",希望借此减弱苹果的专利主张。