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"I never instructed anyone to copy anything from Samsung," Mr Forstall said later.

During Mr Schiller's testimony on Friday, he described how Apple builds the hype around new products. Immediately after the first iPhone was launched in January 2007, Apple did not spend any money on advertising, instead trading on the excitement when Mr Jobs unveiled the device. Dedicated Apple employees are charged with "buzz marketing" and securing product placement in TV shows and films, Mr Schiller said.

Then closer to the June launch date, Apple began a TV, billboard and press ad campaign that taught people how to use the new device, he said. Total advertising spending for the iPhone has grown from $98m in 2008 to $226m in 2011.

Apple's market research into iPhone owners showed that its customers valued its design and its user interface highly – key planks of its case against Samsung. This approach makes copycat products particularly damaging, Mr Schiller argued, because customers might become confused.

In cross-examination, Samsung's legal team sought to show that touch-screen phones and mobiles which could play music and movies predated the iPhone.

Samsung went on to show other market research, which it suggested showed that design was a lower priority than other factors, such as price, when Americans buy smartphones.

But one Apple secret remained intact. Apple's public relations team looked on nervously on as Mr Forstall was asked by Samsung's attorney about details of the next iPhone, which his questioner suggested would have a different design.

To the disappointment of the assembled press pack, and relief of the PRs, Mr Forstall declined to answer.

The trial continues.