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6. Drooping eyes.

Have you ever talked to someone and got the impression that the person was not listening to you? That is because you saw a lack of eye blinking or what we call a ‘blank stare’ on the person’s face. Another not so obvious signal of boredom is a covert glance up and to the right. If you notice this body language of the eyes in someone you are talking to, accompanied by repetitive finger or foot tapping, yawning, and glancing at their watch take it as a sign to change the topic of conversation to something more stimulating.
你是否曾在跟某人说话的时候感觉他并没有在听你说话?那是因为你看到对方不怎么眨眼或者我们所说的他在“茫然地盯着看”。另一个表现出无聊的一个 不怎么明显的信号就是偷偷摸摸地瞥一眼然后看着右边。如果你在听你说话的人身上发现了这种眼神,而且还伴随着重复地敲手指或顿足、打哈欠、看表等动作,那 么你就应该知道要改变一下话题,让它更令人兴奋一些。

7. Calculating eyes.

Eyes that move from side to side or look down are often an indicator that a person is processing information. As it turns out, it is much harder for us to maintain eye contact, while making calculations, because in this case our cognitive energy is divided between perceiving our surroundings and making the calculations. This habit of looking down or to the side when considering the right way to answer can backfire at a job interview as it is often erroneously interpreted as insincerity and a desire to hide something, so be careful not to glance away too much when talking!
眼睛左右移动或者向下看通常表明一个人正在处理信息。人们发现,当我们进行计算时更难保持目光接触,因为在这种情况下我们的认知精力被察觉周围环境和进行计算分散开了。在思考正确的回答方式时向下或向旁边看的习惯可能会在求职面试中产生事与愿违的结果,因为这常被错误地理解为没诚意和渴望掩盖某 事,因此在交谈时要注意不要总是往别处看。

8. Squinting eyes

Squinting or narrowing the eye orbits indicates with great accuracy discomfort, stress, evaluation and even anger. If you get squinted eye expression right after you say something, it could probably mean that the person doubts your words, disagrees with you or does not fully get their meaning. Therefore, it helps to clarify what is bothering your interlocutor before a small misconception turns into a heated argument.

9. Interested eyes.

In 1975 a distinguished psychologists Eckhard Hess found that the pupil dilates (increase in size) when we are interested in the person we are talking to or the object we are looking at. However, when interpreting this indicator, you must also take in to consideration the illumination of the room, as in darker surroundings our pupils will naturally dilate to let in more light.

10. Glowing eyes.

They say that when someone is happy, their eyes glow, while when the person is sad or depressed the glow of “light” in the eyes tends to fad from sight. Well, this is not just our perception. There is substantial research indicating that when our mood changes, the glow in the eyes changes as well. How to make your eyes glow with happiness and joy? Unfortunately, there is no other way then to become happier and learning to appreciate the small pleasures that life gives us daily!
人们说当一个人高兴的时候,他的眼睛会发光,而当他难过沮丧的时候,眼睛中的那一缕“光”就渐渐消失了。好了,这不仅仅是我们的感觉。有大量的研究表明,当我们的情绪有所改变的时候,眼睛里的光也会发生改变。如何让你的眼中焕发幸福喜悦的光芒呢?遗憾的是,没有其他的方法可以让我们变得更快乐,让 我们学会感激生活每天给予我们的点滴欢乐吧!