But the birthrate has continued to decline steadily, although with a slight improvement in the number of babies born last year, according to government statistics.
Enter the Mentos campaign, which was composed independently of the government as a parody of officially sanctioned National Day songs that play in the months leading up to Aug. 9 each year, and are sung during National Day parades.
There is a new official song each year. This year, it is called 'Love at First Light,' and comes with a music video highlighting Singapore's newest attractions, like a new billion-dollar public park called Gardens by the Bay. It also celebrates Singapore's 'lively ways' and 'warm sunny days.'
新加坡每年都有一首新的官方国庆日主题曲。今年的歌曲名为“爱在晨曦中”(Love at First Light),并配有音乐电视片展现新加坡最新热点,如在滨海湾(Bay)建设的耗资上十亿美元的公众公园Gardens等。歌曲还着意勾勒新加坡的“生机蓬勃”和“阳光明媚”。
The Mentos rap has other ideas.
'Let's not watch fireworks, let's make 'em instead,' the rap's male vocalist croons. 'It's National Night and I want a baby, boo, I know you want it, so does the SDU.'
The song, devised by ad agency BBH Asia-Pacific and spread via social media, is part of Mentos's plan to launch a special 'I Heart SG' pack of their signature mints for this year's National Day. The agency was asked to come up with a campaign to 'prove how much Mentos really 'hearts' ' Singapore, according to the project's creative director, Adrian Chan.
这首歌由百比赫亚太广告公司(BBH Asia-Pacific)策划,并通过社交媒体传播开来,其目的是宣传曼妥思为今年国庆日推出的一款主题薄荷糖“我爱新加坡”(I Heart SG)。该项目的创意总监阿德里安•陈(Adrian Chan)说,曼妥思要求百比赫公司想出一个广告方案来,“证明曼妥思真的很爱新加坡。”
'Mentos has always stood for 'fresh thinking,' so we decided to apply some to an issue that is very close to home: our declining national birthrate,' said Mr. Chan.
In one part of the song, one of the singers advises, 'come on now, let's get that baby bonus.' And in case any locals might be offended, a singer says listeners should just get over it and, 'well, get [their] National Night on.'
在歌曲中,一位歌手唱道:“现在行动起来,去拿生育奖金。” 有一位歌手说,即使一些新加坡人觉得歌词不动听,他们也应该把不快抛在脑后,“在国庆之夜行动起来。”
Some Singaporeans were tut-tutting as the song went viral.
'The clip should not be shown during the National Day Parade season. . .you do not want to trivialize the baby issue,' said Lee Chun Wah, a professor at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore specializing in brand communication.
“这首歌不应该出现在迎接国庆的日子里……出生率这种大问题不能拿来随便调笑。”新加坡南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University)讲授品牌沟通技巧的教授Lee Chun Wah说道。
'The conservative folks - the traditional 'heartlanders' - may be offended,' he said, adding that he personally finds the song 'hilarious.'
Mr. Chan said he hopes the government will like it, given the importance and urgency of the issue of fertility in the city-state. Officials contacted about the song and its video said only that Singapore's government wasn't involved.
The video does come with an important disclaimer. Only 'financially secure adults in stable, committed, long-term relationships should participate,' it advises.
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