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The Constitutional Court ruled Thursday that a law requiring South Koreans to use their real names on Internet forums was unconstitutional, forcing the government to change the five-year-old regulation created to reduce anonymous criticism of politicians and celebrities.

The court said the requirement amounts to prior censorship. It also said the law violated citizens' privacy, was technically difficult to enforce and was ineffective at stopping online criticism.

The ruling came just three days after South Korea's Supreme Court recommended new penalties for people who spread false information online and on social media, such as Twitter, about politicians during an election campaign.

The seemingly conflicting actions reflect South Korea's twin status as a young democracy wrestling with limits and freedoms, and as one of the world's most technologically advanced countries.

Following Thursday's ruling, Google Inc. said it would restart its Korean language YouTube service, though it didn't give a specific date.
周四的裁决消息公布后,谷歌公司(Google Inc.)说,将重启该公司韩语YouTube服务,不过没有透露具体日期。

The real-name verification law has been unpopular with the public, the operators of major websites, and South Korea's big Internet search firms, NHN Corp. 035420.SE +2.10% and Daum Communications Inc. 035720.KQ -0.10%
对于韩国民众、主要网站运营商以及NHN Corp.和Daum Communications Inc.这两家韩国大型互联网搜索公司来说,这部实名制法规一直就不受欢迎。

South Korea created the law in 2007 in response to a number of incidents in which prominent political and entertainment figures were targeted in anonymous posts. Authorities attributed several suicides to such cyberattacks.

In its ruling, the nine-justice Constitutional Court also said harm done by a person's expression can be remedied through existing laws provided for financial damages and criminal punishment.

Many Korean individuals and business had turned to overseas companies to host websites and services because the government said it couldn't enforce the name-verification law on Internet sites operated outside the country.

Google in 2008 closed its Korea-based YouTube site rather than comply with the requirement for people who uploaded videos. South Koreans since then have used YouTube sites based in other countries. NHN and Daum complained the rule made their video-sharing services less competitive.

NHN, operator of South Korea's most popular Web portal Naver, said the decision would have 'positive effects' and expand the use of its message boards. 'We think companies should make constant efforts to create an Internet environment anyone can feel secure to use by taking appropriate measures on comments that could invade someone's rights,' the company added.