Yet IronPig fans continue to pack the baseball stadium on game nights, and, in other signs of economic rebound, the city's planning commission is reviewing more building applications than a few years ago.
Mayor Ed Pawlowski, an Obama supporter, said he was frustrated by how uncertainty has held back growth and hiring even as he sees signs the economy is thawing. 'You look at the global situation, and there's definitely storm clouds out there, but that doesn't mean there are storm clouds coming our way,' he said. 'We can't spend all our time staring at the sky.'
支持奥巴马的市长帕洛斯基(Ed Pawlowski)说,在他看到经济回暖的迹象时,不明朗的状态抑制了增长和招聘,这让他很苦恼。他说,“从全球形势来看,肯定是乌云密布,但并不意味着乌云正向我们袭来;我们不能把所有时间都花在盯着天空看。”
Thomas Ritter, 43, is a licensed plumber who had flourished in a family business with his father in the 2000s, equipping new homes with pipes, sinks, tubs and toilets. Business started fading in 2008. By 2009, it all but disappeared. Mr. Ritter, a father of four, started missing mortgage payments.
43岁的瑞特尔(Thomas Ritter)是一名持证水管工,他与父亲合作的家庭生意在2000年代发展得很不错,专门为新居安装水管、水槽、浴盆和马桶。生意从2008年开始下滑,到2009年差不多就彻底没有了。身为四个孩子父亲的瑞特尔开始还不起抵押贷款了。
'It got scary there,' he said. 'I had a decision at the end of the month: Am I going to send a check to Blue Cross or am I going to pay the mortgage?'
他说,“形势变得很可怕;月底我得做一个决定:我是要给蓝十字保险公司(Blue Cross)寄一张支票呢,还是还房贷?”
In 2009, he started driving a school bus and delivering firetrucks for a local manufacturer to cities across the U.S.
Last year, he got a job helping anchor Mack truck cabs to vehicles on the production line. Mr. Ritter is still cutting back: less vacation time at the beach, fewer meals out. But he said he was no doubt better off than four years ago because his manufacturing job gives him more security.
去年,他在麦克卡车公司(Mack Trucks Inc.)找到一份工作,在生产线上为卡车装配驾驶室。瑞特尔现在依然在削减开支:沙滩度假少了,外出就餐也少了。但他说自己绝对比四年前过得更好,因为这份在制造公司的工作给了他更多的安全感。
'When a bill collector calls, I can say, 'I'm going to pay you on the 15th,' ' he said.
Trends in employment, income and home prices in and around Allentown have been similar to national averages, according to Moody's Analytics, a research firm.
据穆迪研究公司(Moody's Analytics)称,艾伦顿及其周边地区就业、收入和房价的趋势与全国平均水平相似。
Allentown's unemployment rate was 8.7%, not seasonally adjusted, in June after nearing 10% during the crisis. Overall U.S. employment, at 133.2 million jobs in July, is a shade below the 133.6 million level of January 2009 and up from the low of 129.2 million in February 2010.
U.S. household wealth is up strongly since Mr. Obama took office, thanks in large measure to a stock market rebound. Total U.S. household net worth rose to $62.9 trillion in the first quarter of 2012 from $53.6 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2008. However, that is still down from more than $67 trillion in 2007, before the crisis.
The stock market recovery, of course, primarily benefited people with equities. The value of U.S. household wealth in real estate has failed to recover after collapsing before Mr. Obama's inauguration. It was $6.7 trillion in the first quarter of this year, below its late 2008 level and down from a high of $13.9 trillion in the second quarter of 2006.
Local manufacturing is re-emerging as a bright spot. The one-million-square-foot Mack Truck factory, which employs Mr. Ritter, recently added a second shift of 300 workers to keep up with demand for the big vehicles that bear its bulldog logo. Mack Trucks Inc. is a unit of the Volvo Group.
本地制造业正逐渐东山再起,成为热门。雇佣瑞特尔的面积100万平方平尺的麦克卡车工厂最近新增了300名倒班工人,以维持对印有其斗牛犬品牌标识的大卡车的需求。麦克卡车公司是沃尔沃集团(Volvo Group)的子公司。
In Nazareth, Pa., 15 miles northeast of Allentown, Rory Glass inlays ornamental designs and runs laser machinery to shape acoustic guitars at the factory of C.F. Martin & Co., which has made renowned acoustic instruments for more than 100 years. Its customers have included the Beatles, Johnny Cash, Eric Clapton and Elvis Presley.
在艾伦顿东北方向15英里的宾州纳泽瑞斯(Nazareth),格拉斯(Rory Glass)在马丁吉他公司(C.F. Martin & Co.)的工厂镶嵌装饰性设计并运行一台制造原声吉他的激光设备。马丁公司制作知名乐器的历史已超过100年,其客户包括披头士(the Beatles)、约翰尼•卡什(Johnny Cash)、埃里克•克莱普顿(Eric Clapton)以及猫王埃尔维斯•普莱斯利(Elvis Presley)。
Mr. Glass said he is better off now than a year ago, when he was working in a garden center watering plants and living with his parents. Last year, he applied for the job at Martin, which has been on a hiring binge after seeing demand surge for its high-end guitars among affluent Americans, as well as players and collectors abroad.
The 29-year-old pony-tailed musician lives with his girlfriend, hopes for a promotion and is saving to buy a house with his $15-an-hour job. 'The economy can't be doing that bad if people are buying $60,000 guitars,' said Mr. Glass, who is still undecided about the presidential candidates.
Martin last year sold a record $100 million in guitars and other acoustic instruments, with 40% of sales going overseas, with high demand in Japan and Europe. Sales in 2009 had fallen to $86 million.
Chris Martin, the chief executive, whose family has run the company since 1833, expects $115 million in sales this year. But his concerns mirror the hand-wringing everywhere.
公司首席执行长马丁(Chris Martin)预计今年销售额将达到1.15亿美元。但他的一些担忧也反映了无处不在的绝望情绪。
'I am honestly right now worried that there could be a triggering event to cause a lot more people in Europe to say, 'I don't feel comfortable buying a luxury good right now,' ' he said. 'And let's face it, that is what a Martin guitar is.'
Some people who say they feel better off now compared with four years ago explain that it isn't because they are making much more money but because they have put their finances in order.
Since Mr. Obama was elected, U.S. households have paid off-or defaulted-on $746 billion of debt, an uNPRecedented reduction in the modern era, Federal Reserve data show. With low interest rates and lower debt loads, the monthly cost of servicing household debt as a share of income has fallen to its lowest level in almost two decades.
美联储(Federal Reserve)的数据显示,自奥巴马当选以来,美国家庭还清了──或者说拖欠了──7,460亿美元的债务,这是在当今时代前所未见的一个数额。由于利率较低、债务负担减轻,每月以收入的一部分支付家庭债务的成本已经跌至近二十年来的最低水平。
The new frugality isn't always easy. Jesse Simpson, 27, works three jobs, including one as a delivery man for a local beer distributor and another in the warehouse at Coca-Cola Park. In 2007, he enrolled in a Los Angeles film school and owes more than $70,000 in student loans and other debt.
新节俭时代的生活并不容易。27岁的辛普森(Jesse Simpson)打了三份工,其中一份是为当地一家啤酒经销商做送货员,另一份是在可口可乐公园球场(Coca-Cola Park)的仓库工作。2007年,他上了洛杉矶的一家电影学校,欠下了七万多美元的学生贷款和其他债务。
'Four years ago, I was moving back home with no money, a maxed-out credit card and no job,' he said. Now he is working, cutting out unnecessary spending and paying down debt.
'I'm definitely doing better,' he said. With a deep breath, he added, 'I can honestly say I'm exhausted and running myself ragged.' He said he voted for Mr. Obama in 2008, and may again, but is so far undecided.
Mr. Obama's signature economic program, the $825 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, was a combination of tax breaks and spending programs aimed at arresting the economy's deep contraction in early 2009 and stimulating growth. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated the act created between 500,000 and 3.3 million jobs─far less than the 8.7 million jobs lost during the downturn.
奥巴马的标志性经济计划──8,250亿美元的《美国复苏与再投资法案》(American Recovery and Reinvestment Act)──是减税和开支计划的结合,旨在阻止美国经济重蹈2009年初严重萎缩的覆辙并刺激增长。无党派机构国会预算办公室(Congressional Budget Office)估计该法案创造了50万至330万个就业岗位,远少于衰退时期损失的870万。
The recovery has left behind a legion of unemployed, including Roy Bastian, a chemist near 50 who lost his job in early 2008 as a researcher conducting gas-and-chemical experiments at Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.
大量的失业者在这场复苏中依然找不到工作,包括快50岁的化学师巴斯蒂安(Roy Bastian),他曾在空气化工产品公司(Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.)担任研究员,负责气体化学实验,后来在2008年初失业。
Mr. Bastian, who drives a rusted Dodge Neon, said he has applied for jobs but with no luck. But, he said, more jobs seem to be opening up now than a year ago.
巴斯蒂安开的是一辆锈迹斑斑的道奇霓虹(Dodge Neon)。他说,他找过工作,但运气不好。不过他说,现在开放的招聘岗位似乎比一年前多了。
'Am I better off? No,' he said, 'Do I expect to be better off? Yes, very soon. My own fear is that everything is going to stall. People will say, 'We can hire someone after November, after we know what's going to happen going forward.' '
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