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美国特种兵大比拼 三角洲军团 vs 海豹突击队

And The Winner Is.....


Based on what I’ve reported here, one might think that Navy SEALs — particularly Team 6/DEVGRU — would be the tougher of the two when comparing them to Delta Force; they have more intense training (that we know about), and were even created in response to one of Delta Force’s botched missions. However, to say the Navy SEALs are tougher than Delta Force is an unfair argument because you have to consider just what exactly makes a soldier tougher?


Quantitatively, you can say the amount of training, but in the real world it really boils down to the particular mission at hand. And every mission is different, with its own unique obstacles, element of danger, and military strategy. Both the Navy SEALs and Delta Force are SMUs (Special Mission Units) under U.S. Special Operation Forces and sometimes work together (unofficially, of course). Could Delta Force have taken out Osama bin Laden if they had been tasked with the job? I think that they might have had the ability to do so — however, they just didn’t get that assignment, so we’ll never know.


In the end, there’s no real definitive answer to who is tougher between Navy SEALs and Delta Force — they’re both badasses in my opinion — and if you favor either one over the other in terms of being tougher, that’s pretty much like taking sides in an evenly matched Army vs. Navy football game. Besides, I dare not side with either unit in this comparison of toughness; I know both have the capacity to find me and take me out.
