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A sluggish summer for Hollywood came to a close with a movie that earned the dubious distinction of the worst opening of all time.

'The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure,' a family movie from a former marketer for the Teletubbies, earned $448,000 over the holiday weekend when it opened on 2,160 screens, according to BoxOfficeMojo.com. That gave the film a per-screen average of $207, making it the worst wide opening to date, according to the site.
据网站BoxOfficeMojo.com统计,适合全家观看的电影《气球大冒险》(The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure)节日周末在2,160块银幕上映,获得44.8万美元的票房收入。该网站表示,这部影片每块银幕的平均票房仅为207美元,是迄今为止大范围上映的影片中首周末票房最差的。该片制片人曾是幼儿节目《天线宝宝》(Teletubbies)的市场推广商。

While the season was also marked by a record set on the other end of the spectrum-the biggest opening to date, by the superhero action film 'The Avengers'-this summer's box office was down 2.8% from last year, bringing in $4.28 billion, from $4.4 billion, according to Hollywood.com.
另一方面,今年的暑期档也创造了一项最好纪录--超级英雄动作影片《复仇者联盟》(The Avengers)成为迄今为止首周末票房最高的影片。但据好莱坞官方网站Hollywood.com统计,今夏的整体票房收入为42.8亿美元,较去年的44亿美元下跌了2.8%。

Industry executives had high hopes heading into the summer, especially as the season kicked off with the massive success of 'The Avengers,' which took in $207.4 million domestically in its opening weekend in early May (and this weekend surpassed $1.5 billion in cumulative world-wide receipts).

But despite what appeared to be movie-industry momentum generated by that film and the successful opening earlier in the year of 'Mission: Impossible-Ghost Protocol,' nearly every other summer film failed to live up to expectations, a fact some blamed on factors beyond the content on the screen.
然而,尽管《复仇者联盟》以及今年早些时候《碟中谍4:幽灵协议》(Mission: Impossible─Ghost Protocol)大获成功的首周末表现似乎为电影业带来了可喜的势头,但暑期档的其它电影几乎都有负众望。有人认为这要归因于影片内容之外的因素。

'I think there's still an issue with the economy,' said Nikki Rocco, president of distribution for Comcast Corp.'s Universal Pictures. 'When you get into the real world, frequent moviegoing may be difficult for a family.' While a few films found success, 'there were a lot of misses, and that's what makes the difference,' she said.
康卡斯特(Comcast Corp.)旗下环球影业(Universal Pictures)负责影片发行的总裁罗科(Nikki Rocco)说,我认为还是经济有问题,因为说实在的,老去电影院对家庭来说可能有困难。她说,虽然有几部电影取得了成功,但很多都不行,于是就出现了这种局面。