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2012-09-13来源:time management
5. Talk to Someone… Else - If you always talk to the same people, you are always going to have the same conversations. Who is the person that you always see at work, but never talk to? Engage them today. They might just be someone who you want to know, either personally or professionally.
找其他人聊天 —— 总是和同样的人谈话,那谈话的内容也总是差不多吧。你工作时常常碰见却很少交谈的人是谁?今天就试着跟他们聊聊吧。或许他们正是你私下里或工作上想要了解的人呢。

6. Learn Something – If you don’t want to always be doing the same things, you have to learn new skills. Learn something new every single day.
日有所获 —— 不想重复同样的事情?那你可得学点新技能了。每天试着学点新东西吧。

7. Choose Your Own Path – We often forget that we have a choice in our path. Rather than just repeating the course where everyone else has gone before us, blaze your own path.
走自己的路 —— 我们总是忘了自己有权选择自己的道路。我们不必重蹈他人的覆辙。所以,请闯出你自己的道路吧。

Ensure that you aren’t just going through the motions today. We all have limited time in our days and lives. Don’t settle for the same old same old. Choose to do something new, and always give it your best.