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红颜蓝颜都是浮云 男人女人不太可能做好朋友

2012-09-15来源:Daily Mail
In a separate study, 88 college-age men and women came to the laboratory with an opposite-sex friend, and the pairs were surveyed about that particular friendship.

Participants rated their level of attraction toward their friend on a scale of one to nine. On average, men rated their level of attraction toward their female friends as a five, while women rated their level of attraction to their male friends as a four.

Men and women reported about the same level of attraction toward their friends regardless of whether they currently involved in a romantic relationship.

The researchers hypothesized that interacting with a member of the opposite sex instinctually triggers mating strategies that evolved tens of thousands of years ago.

'Mating strategies may influence people’s involvement in cross-sex friendships to begin with, as well as unintentionally color people’s feelings toward members of the opposite sex with whom their conscious intent is platonic,' the researchers said.

However, researchers found that some people did list attraction as a benefit to an opposite-sex friendship.

'Perhaps attraction can be both benefit and burden for the same individual in different friendships, or be both benefit and burden for the same friendship at different points in time," the researchers said.