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让生活更快乐:10种小改变 60秒内点亮心情


10种小改变 60秒内点亮心情

1. Sit up straight.

Many people who spend a lot of time at the computer likely don’t sit properly. There’s a tendency to slouch, stoop and sit cross-legged. Is there a correct way to sit? You bet. Choose a comfy chair, preferably one with arm rests. Sit with your butt to the back of the seat, shoulders back and feet flat on the floor about hip distance apart. Maintaining good posture can help you avoid injury and promote proper bone alignment. When walking tall with good posture you both look and feel more confident, fit and pulled together.

2. Do something you love.

Reduce stress by doing something you love. Read an article, flip through a magazine, call a friend, book a massage. It doesn’t matter what it is just make sure it’s something you enjoy and not something you feel you have to do.

3. Eat a piece of fruit.

There’s something about biting into an apple, peeling a banana or the scent of an orange that just makes you feel good. Fruit is refreshing, good for you and something we typically don’t get enough of. Next time you go shopping load up on “grab and go” fruits. Although fresh is better, dried can be a great alternative when you’re looking for something a bit different.

4. Laugh.

Find a video of your favorite comedian or sitcom or maybe it’s a picture of a friend or your kids that always makes you laugh. Laughing feels good, it gets you smiling and it allows you to not take things so seriously, if only for that moment.

5. Drink.

Water is vital to our well-being and is another thing we typically don’t get enough of. Drinking a tall glass of water helps you feel fuller longer, curbs your desire to eat when you’re not particularly hungry just bored and it’s great for your skin. Add a twist of lemon or lime to add a bit of natural flavor.