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让生活更快乐:10种小改变 60秒内点亮心情

6. Get outside.

There is something about nature and the expanse of space that can rejuvenate the mind and body. Look around you and take it all in. The birds, the people, the blueness of the sky, the clouds floating along, the smell of the fresh air, the warmth of the sun on your cheeks. Take a minute to just stand outside where ever you are and just soak it all in.

7. Breathe.

Deeply. Breathing can help you relax, focus and slow down. Breathing can help you put things in perspective release tension that builds up throughout the day. Take a minute and breathe deeply. Clear your mind and just breathe.

8. Give.

Do something for someone else. It doesn’t have to be anything big, elaborate or a year in the planning it just has to be sincere. Ask your co-worker in the next cubical over if they would like a coffee, pay the toll for the person in the car behind you, hold the door for someone, give a hug, smile.

9. Beautify your surroundings.

While you’re walking your dog, walking to your car, waiting for the bus or riding your bike take a moment and beautify where you are. Pick up a piece of garbage or 10 or 20, pull a weed or hammer in a nail. Every little bit helps but having the “I didn’t do it so I’m not picking it up” mind set doesn’t. Do your part and take pride in your neighborhood or work area.

10. Stretch.

Sitting for too long can cause joint and muscle pain, headaches and other aches and pains. A few times throughout the day stand up stretch out your arms, your back, your legs, and your neck. Be gentle and don’t over do it. Stretching should feel great and renew your energy. If you’d love to but can never remember set up a reminder in your calendar or set a timer for an hour. You’ll be glad you did.