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Concerns about the potential for a national security threat posed by the Chinese networking concern Huawei have been simmering at a low intensity for some time. They burst out into the full glare of publicity today with the release of a report by the House Intelligence Committee saying that Huawei and another Chinese telecom-equipment concern, ZTE, pose sufficient security risks that government agencies should avoid buying their equipment.
关于中国电信网络提供商华为技术有限公司(Huawei Technologies Co.)可能对美国国家安全构成威胁的担忧已经不温不火地持续了一段时间。如今,由于美国众议院情报委员会发布的一份报告,此类担忧急剧升温并成为公众关注的焦点。这份报告称,华为和另一家中国电信设备公司中兴通讯股份有限公司(ZTE Corp., 简称:中兴通讯)对美国国家安全构成了风险,为此政府机构应该避免购买这两家公司的设备。

There aren't a lot of specifics to get excited about in the 52-page report, though there are presumably some items of interest in classified portions of the report not released to the public. Huawei has had a difficult time showing to the satisfaction of Western sensibilities that its ties to China's People's Liberation Army are severed. If ordered, the thinking goes, Huawei gear could be turned into a valuable espionage tool in the event of war with the U.S. or another country.

The concerns on the part of U.S. lawmakers and the national security establishment are certainly valid, but not for the reasons you think. While Chinese actors have certainly been among the most active when it comes to attacking the networks of large U.S. corporations and stealing their secrets, the U.S. and its allies fret about letting Huawei in because they know from their own experience how imported electronics can be turned into a weapon of espionage and outright sabotage.

Remember that it was intelligence agencies of the U.S., in partnership with Israel, that turned deep knowledge of the numerous variants of Microsoft's Windows operating system combined with specialized knowledge of industrial control systems to create the Stuxnet worm that damaged the Iranian nuclear research program. Later discoveries included other U.S.-Israeli cyber weapons called Flame and Gauss. Taken together, they amount to evidence that the countries had mounted a less-than-covert military campaign against Iran that could in time have significant unintended consequences.

Prior efforts include a largely forgotten 1982 campaign of electronic sabotage against the natural gas pipeline being built by the Soviet Union that caused so large an explosion that U.S. military forces briefly thought it was an early sign of a nuclear attack. The episode was documented in the book 'At the Abyss: An Insider's History of the Cold War' by Thomas Reed, the late former secretary of the Air Force under President Reagan.
人们很可能已经忘了1982年发生的针对苏联天然气管道进行的电子设备破坏行动,这次行动引发了大规模的爆炸,以至于美国军队一时以为这是核袭击的早期信号。这个情节被记录在了《在深渊:一名知情者讲述的冷战史》(At the Abyss: An Insider’s History of the Cold War)一书中,作者是已故的里根时代前空军部长里德(Thomas Reed)。

Another incident, this one not as well documented but the subject of a great deal of informed speculation, concerns a 2007 Israeli air strike against what was at the time a suspected nuclear weapons research facility in Syria. A report by the IEEE Spectrum the following year traced reports that a French chip company that supplied the manufacturer of Syrian radar defense gear included a 'kill switch' that allowed Israeli bombers to carry out their attack undetected.
另一起事件则没有被很好地记录下来,不过这件事也引发了诸多消息灵通人士的猜测。2007年以色列空军袭击了当时被怀疑是核武器研究机构的叙利亚的一处设施。第二年,《IEEE波谱杂志》(IEEE Spectrum)的一篇报道追踪到的消息显示,一家法国芯片公司提供给叙利亚的雷达防御设备中包含一个“切断开关”(kill switch),使叙利亚无法监测到以色列轰炸机正在执行的袭击活动。

So it's not from out of nowhere that such national security concerns arise about a Chinese telecom concern.