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Writing in The Guardian, Partnoy says that one obvious reason to take a lunch break is to slow down and gain some perspective. A break from work allows us to think strategically and outside the box. It also puts our daily tasks into a broader context.

What we eat at lunch is also important. In Partnoy's opinion, a fast food lunch is more harmful than not having lunch at all. And it's not just about calories and unhealthy food. Recent studies show that fast food also has negative effects on how we think.

Researchers at the University of Toronto in Canada have shown that merely being exposed to a fast food logo speeds up our reactions.

However, if we sit down at a proper restaurant and chat leisurely with colleagues, we are more likely to slow down, something that hardly can be achieved in a noisy and over-packed fast food chain.

A long lunch also benefits single people, as it frees up time for them to go on a date.

The two factors that matter most at the early stages of a relationship are chemistry and compatibility. Love at first sight rarely happens in real life, but an hour-long lunch is enough to get a sense of those factors. Furthermore, embarrassment and awkwardness can be avoided when both parties know the lunch will end in an hour.

Despite these benefits, some employees might still be reluctant to take time off for lunch. Partnoy's suggestion? Make skipping lunch difficult: Employers could ask workers to fill out a form stating their reasons for skipping the meal.