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The way we learn to respond to the threat of abandonment as young children actually changes the wiring of our brains, Dr. Shorey says. 'This is an automatic response that will trigger even if you know you should not feel this way.'

When he was a child, Mr. Sollars says, his mother left him to be raised by his grandmother, who died when he was 16. 'I started being a worrier then,' Mr. Sollars says. His separation anxiety worsened a few years ago. He has diabetes and lost his eyesight; his wife had knee surgery and a procedure to correct a throat stricture. Now, Mr. Sollars is troubled by thoughts of becoming a burden to her. To distract himself while she is away, he plans to work on a book he is writing about preventing workplace violence.

Rosita Alvarez, a 45-year-old artist in Spicewood, Texas, grew up as a so-called Air Force brat, moving with her family every two years. She has vivid childhood memories of writing letters to old friends and never hearing back. 'I learned at 9 that you can lose people you love,' she says. She was 36 and married for 10 years with four children younger than 10, when her husband died of a heart attack.
罗西塔•阿尔瓦雷斯(Rosita Alvarez)今年45岁,是一名艺术家,家住得克萨斯州斯派斯伍德(Spicewood)。她小时候是个所谓的“空军小孩”,每两年跟着家人搬家一次。她清晰地记得小时写信给老朋友,但从来没有回音。她说,“我在九岁时知道,你会失去你所爱的人。”当她36岁,结婚满10年时,她丈夫死于心脏病,当时她的四个孩子都还不满10岁。

She keeps voice messages from each of her children on her cellphone. 'I want to have their voice with me as long as I can, in case they die,' she says. She keeps her phone with her, day and night. When it rings, she often imagines the worst.

A few weeks ago, her 14-year-old daughter went to boarding school. Ms. Alvarez says the anxiety she feels now is like 'a hand on the back of my body, gripping my spine.' She often worries that her daughter will simply grow distant. 'I am afraid that because she is removed from me physically, she will remove herself emotionally,' Ms. Alvarez says.

When she gets stuck in a worry loop, Ms. Alvarez makes herself stop and notice her surroundings the couch, the carpet, the breakfast dishes in the sink and tells herself that all is well. 'I remind myself that my daughter and I have a loving connection, she is in a safe environment and I can control my thoughts and choose to imagine her happy,' she says. 'This breaks the spell.'

Ms. Alvarez also has anxiety when parting from her boyfriend, who lives an hour away. The two have developed a 'separation ritual' for Sunday evenings, after a weekend spent together. First, they agree in advance on the time he will leave. For their last hour or so together, they talk and relax. When it's time, they go outside together. Ms. Alvarez gives him a hug but doesn't watch him get in the car. Instead, she goes immediately back in the house with her paintings. 'I choose where I place my attention,' she says.