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小国家的大美丽 The Big Beauty of a Little Country


小国家的大美丽 The Big Beauty of a Little Country


Further north lies another pint-sized country that’s 1)tucked away, not on a hill, but in the mighty Alps.

Two centuries ago there were dozens of independent states in German-speaking Europe. Today there are only four: Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

Nestled between Switzerland and Austria, the Principality of Liechtenstein is defined by the mighty Alps to the east, the baby Rhine River to the west, and a stout fortress protecting the mouth of its valley to the south. This quirky remnant of medieval feudal politics is just about 62 square miles. It’s truly land-locked, without a seaport or even an airport.

Liechtensteiners, who number about 35,000, speak German, are mostly Catholic and have a stubborn independent 2)streak.

Women weren’t given the vote until 1984.

The country’s made up of 11 villages. The village of Triesenberg, high above the valley, gathers around its onion-domed church, which recalls the settlers who arrived here centuries ago from the western part of Switzerland.

The town of Vaduz sits on the valley floor. While it has only 5,000 people, it’s the country’s capital. Its 3)pedestrianized main drag is lined with modern art and hotels bordering a district of 4)slick office parks.