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11. Find the Subjects You Are Good At – You probably majored in something you were good at. Find a job that matches your passions and skills. By the way, this is also the work you will enjoy. That one choice will bring you much joy or frustration.

12. Make Decisions – Living life is about making choices. Some are easy and some are hard. But, make sure you make your own decisions or life will make them for you.

13. Have Goals & Write Them Down – There has an undercurrent lately, of advice stating that you shouldn’t have goals. These are the same people who don’t want to fail. Regularly write down your goals. Share them with those that you love.

14. Blaze Your Own Path – You don’t have to follow in anyone else’s footsteps. “That’s the way it has always been done” is a dangerous road-sign to follow on the road of life.

15. Always Be Learning – You may have just finished school, but don’t think you are done learning. This has never been more important. In just a few short years, there will be entirely new technologies and information that didn’t exist when you were in school.

16. No One Ever Was Successful Sitting on the Couch – You have to take the first step in your own journey. That new job isn’t going to magically appear. That book isn’t going to write itself. And so on… so, put the remote down and leave the couch.

17. Enjoy the Journey - Too many people think life is a destination. “When I get there… I will be successful.” Life is a trip. Enjoy the journey. There is an end point, but the point is not to get there.
享受过程——很多人认为生活就是目的。“当我到那里时,我就成功了。” 生命是一场旅行,要学会享受旅程。旅行总会有终点,但那并不是我们的目的。

18. Spend Your Time Wisely - As you get into the workplace you will find that you have less “free time” than when you were in school. When you have a family, you will have even more demands on your time.Remember that you have as much time in the day as everyone else, spend it wisely.

19. Don’t Settle– Life is too short to settle in your job or in your relationships. You don’t have to work there. You don’t have to stay in a relationship.

20. Believe in Yourself – You have to be you biggest fan. In the workplace, no one is going care about your future more than you. Promote yourself where appropriate, and always believe in yourself even more than others do.