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The list was created after consultations with vets, dog behaviour experts and owners from across the UK.

The bucket list was compiled by MORE TH>N pet insurance and TV vet Marc Abraham.
这张愿望清单是由MORE TH>N宠物保险公司以及电视兽医马克·亚伯拉罕搜集制作的。

A survey found that 8% of dogs had not experienced any of the 50 activities although 7% had completed it in its entirety.


The figures showed that 20% had never had the pleasure of bounding through the forest while 26% had not attended a family picnic.

But they did show that 46.5% had known the simple joy of "going mad" in the snow, while 39% had gone swimming in the sea and 33% had done the "Beethoven shake", soaking everyone around them.

Mr Abraham said: “Make no mistake about it, we’re a nation of dog lovers, but it seems a lot of owners have become stuck in a rut. Taking our dogs on morning and evening walks during the week and out to a park at the weekend has become the norm.

"Understanding and appreciating the many different things you can now do with your dog will greatly enrich the lives of both you and your four-legged friends.”

50 things every dog should do before it dies

1. Flop down in front of a morning fire
1. 看日出

2. Go for a swim in the sea

3. Go mad in the snow
3. 在雪地里撒欢

4. Dig up a flower bed
4. 在花坛里刨坑

5. Do the 'Beethoven' shake and soak everyone around you
5. 做汪星人标志性的甩身动作,甩到周围每个人一身水

6. Have your own spot on the sofa
6. 在家中的沙发上拥有一个自己的专属位置

7. Accompany your owner on a run/cycle ride
7. 陪主人骑自行车

8. Attend a family picnic
8. 参加一次家庭野餐

9. Help your owner bad a date
9. 陪主人约会

10. Cheer your owner up when they are down
10. 在主人郁闷的时候逗他们开心

11. Visit a different continent
11. 出国

12. Roll around in a really stinky, muddy puddle
12. 在泥塘打滚

13. Ruin a pair or slippers or shoes
13. 毁掉一双鞋,拖鞋也行

14. Sleep in your owners bed
14. 睡主人的床

15. Wake your owner with a big wet sloppy kiss
 15. 用舌头舔醒主人

16. Chase a cat during a dream
16. 在梦里追逐喵星人

17. Learn the word for 'sit' in another language
17. 学习其他语言的“坐下”

18. Join in a football game in the park
18. 在公园里玩一场足球

19. Meet a famous dog
19. 拜访一只著名的汪星人

20. Try your paws at dancing
20. 舞动爪子试着跳舞

21. Convince your owner you can howl English words
21. 向主人表演说人话

22. Get filthy within 30 minutes of a bath
22. 在洗完澡30分钟内弄得脏兮兮的

23. Howl along with your favourite song

23. 跟着最爱的歌一起嚎

24. Ride in an open top car
24. 坐一次敞篷车

25. Learn to skateboard
25. 学滑板

26. Have a personalised Christmas stocking
26. 得到一双专用的圣诞袜

27. Show the postman who's boss
27. 向邮递员示威

28. Be a ring bearer at a wedding
28. 在婚礼上当一回护戒使者

29. Try to follow a squirrel up a tree
29. 上树追松鼠

30. Go to work with your owner
30. 跟主人一块儿上班