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2012-10-23来源:NY Daily News

A sixth-grade girl hid from a home intruder in her bathroom closet, clenching a pistol. When she saw the handle turn, the 12-year-old fired a hole through the door into the suspect's chest.

Kendra St. Clair, who had never fired a gun before, protected her Calera, Okla. home and herself in a real-life “Home Alone” that featured a handgun instead of booby traps on Wednesday.


Kendra initially called her mother when a strange man reportedly rang the doorbell and banged on the door repeatedly.

"I called my mom. She said to go get the gun and hide in the closet," Kendra St. Clair told KXII.
“我打电话给妈妈。妈妈告诉我去取手枪,然后藏到卫生间里。” 克莱尔告诉KXII电视台。

She called 911 when she saw him trying to break through the back door. Soon after, she heard the intruder inside the house.

Stacey Jones, 32, was allegedly inside the home for about six minutes while Kendra spoke with the dispatcher.
据说在肯德拉与911的调度员通话时, 32岁的史塔西·琼斯已经闯进屋里六分钟了。

"I heard the bathroom light turn on that was leading to the closet," she explained. "And when I saw the door handle turn, I shot him."

The bullet from the 40-caliber Glock pistol hit Jones in the chest, and he ran from the house. Bryan County officers chased him down, authorities said.

"I kept my head on straight," Kendra said, even though she was terrified.

Kendra's mother, Debra St. Clair, said that she does not leave her children home alone regularly, but needs to occasionally because she is a single mother of two with a full-time job.

"She's staying strong and confident," Debra said. "She's handling this much better than I would have."

Jones was brought to a hospital in Plano, Texas before being booked at the Bryan County jail on Thursday. His bail was set at $250,000 on Friday. He will next appear in court in December, reported NewsOK.
NewsOK 新闻网报道说,在周四遣送至布莱恩县监狱前,琼斯待在德克萨斯州普莱诺市的一家医院里。周五他被判决25万美元的保释金。十二月的时候他还得出庭。

"I was told by the police that he had been homeless for 10 days and that he might have been looking for food," said Debra. "I would hate it if I knew he was watching her."
“我听警方说,这家伙已经10天无家可归了。或许当时他只想找点吃的吧。” 黛布拉说,“要是他是因为盯上了我女儿才闯进我家,我可饶不了他。”

Family and friends have since inundated Kendra's phone with well wishes. "One of my friends told me that she couldn't do that," Kendra said, "and I'm an inspiration to her and everybody in Calera."