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In November 2009, Brandy Trammell became a homeowner. As she moved into her new house in Laurel, it seemed as though her life was all set up: She had her own place, friends and family nearby, and a speech therapy career that was flourishing.
2009年11月,Brandy Trammell成为有房一族。她搬进了她在Laurel的新屋,仿佛她的生活都已经安顿好了:她有她自己的地方、朋友和附近的家人,以及一个蒸蒸日上的言语治疗事业。

But it seemed that the guy she always dreamed of sharing her life with was just that — a dream. With every man she dated, something was missing.

“So I felt that he didn’t exist. This idea that you’re going to find somebody that doesn’t have that tragic flaw — I really felt that I was going to have to settle,” she says. 

“所以我觉得那个他是不存在的。关于你会找到一个没有那些悲催缺点的人的想法- 我真觉得我将不得不解决,”她说。

The day after Thanksgiving, Trammell sat in her bedroom — the only furnished room in the house — and logged on to eHarmony. She’d had a membership for months but hadn’t logged on since she’d signed up.

Bored, she scrolled through the profiles of men who’d reached out to her and responded to a few. Almost instantly, Vincent Russell wrote back.
无聊透顶,她浏览着那些向她发出邀请的男人的简介,并对几个作出了回应。几乎是瞬间,Vincent Russell回复了。

Russell was visiting family in Norfolk and got Trammell’s message on his smartphone. His friends often joked that he’d been an old man for a long time. He started working full time at 18, putting himself through a computer information degree at American University. He hated dating, and it sometimes seemed as if he’d gone out with “every horrible woman in Washington,” trying to find the right one. He wanted a partner who was ready to settle down, have a family and stay in on Saturday nights.