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CHINA'S online community is agog with discussion after a survey suggested a salary threshold of around 9,000 yuan (US$1,439) per month to enjoy a comfortable life in first-tier cities like Shanghai and Beijing.

Many netizens, who are paid less, were quick to point out that they could hardly make ends meet with their current salaries.

The survey, released by Xinhua news agency yesterday, showed that a person's salary should reach at least 9,250 yuan if one wants a decent life in Shanghai, ranking first among all Chinese cities.

The figure is more than twice the average monthly income of Shanghai employees last year, which is 4,331 yuan, and six times the minimum salary in Shanghai, at 1,450 yuan.

The survey naturally raised the frustration levels among many less-paid locals, who not only feel the pain of the high cost of living but also the pressure to buy a house. "If earning 9,000 yuan a month is a benchmark for feeling comfortable, don't I live in panic every day?" a netizen named "Gege's cat" wrote on her microblog.
本次调查自然在许多低收入的当地人之中引发了挫败感,他们不仅感受着高成本生活的痛苦,而且还有买房的压力。 “如果每月收入9000元才是感到舒服的基准的话,我是不是每天都生活在恐慌中?”一位叫“格格的猫”的网民在她的微博中写道。

For those living in second and third-tier cities, such as Hangzhou and Suzhou and Chengdu, the survey indicated a salary of at least 5,000 yuan for a comfortable living.

Jennifer Feng, a senior human resource analyst with 51job.com, a Nasdaq-listed headhunting firm, said the internet buzz over the survey is a reflection of the pressure on people living in big cities and the uncertainty about their future.

"Put the 9,000 yuan aside. The uneasiness that most people living in big cities feel comes from two worries resulting from a weak global economy.